Thursday, 20 March 2025

A Long Time Coming……

I started taking photos for this blog post back in September 2023.
That is when there was activity on the wall beside the lane into the Coles car park in town.
Every time we drove past we eagerly watched to see how much progress had been made.
It evolved slowly.
Over a few months, finally being completed in January 2024.

Then it was finished, and I didn’t get a photo, as it is over a car park and there were always cars in the way.  I figured that I would have to go in on a Sunday afternoon…….but I never thought of it on a Sunday afternoon.

Well, on Friday, I had to duck into Coles just after 7 o’clock in the morning and lo and behold, there it was, with not a single car in front of it….until I parked there.
Finally I could take some photos.  Half of it was in the sun, while the other half was still shaded by the surrounding buildings.
The mural was commissioned by local businessman Peter Rogers and features members of his family.  The lady is his beautiful wife Shelley.  Peter and Shelley are Chezzi Denyers’ parents.

The artist is local man Callum Hotham, who only started painting murals during COVID.  
He has done quite a few now.   This one is on the side of a bakery in Blayney.  
His talent is amazing. You can see his work on his socials.


Annelein said...

He is very talented. Its amazing how this piece of art grow. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Jeanette said...

Talented artist. Amazing watching it grow & to see the end result.

Jennifer said...

That's incredible work! Shall keep an eye out in our travels.

Ali Honey said...

That's great. Clever people.

Janet O. said...

Amazing!! I really enjoyed seeing the process, Janice. Thanks for documenting it. Hard to believe he has only been doing murals for 5 years!

kiwikid said...

That is beautiful work, love the bakery painting too. So good to see the progress photos.

ButterZ said...

That is fantastic. It makes such a difference to the car park. So clever indeed. An amazing effort especially since he only began this scale a few years ago.

Maria said...

That’s gorgeous and I enjoyed watching the mural emerge on the wall.

loulee said...

That is lovely, great to see the WIP shots too.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

LOVE the bakery one! It's no mean feat to create and paint murals that large. What a talent.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful mural it will certainly make that part of town a happy place. I was driving to church two weeks ago and a man was painting a small brick building on a corner near the lawn bowls club with white paint, it belongs to the water supply maybe a pump or something one of those buildings you just pass and give no thought to but by the next Sunday it was covered in trees, flowers and birds it was beautiful and now I've seen a second one in our area so maybe the water supply are going to paint all of them if so its a great idea.
From Shirley in Perth, W.A.

Michelle Ridgway said...

How fabulous! I love this art works on buildings and silos etc. Just wonderful ❤️

Susan said...

That is amazing - it always astounds me how people can get so much detail on such a large area.
Thanks for your perseverance.