There were some lovely quilts at the main exhibition in Braidwood. This one featuring Kiwi fabrics was so simple, but so very effective. It would be a great way to utilise a layer cake.

There was a challenge set by the local patchwork shop to make a small quilt using the fabric featuring English cathedrals. This one was my pick. Funnily enough, I bought half a metre of the same fabric in Canterbury while we were over there.

Here is the completed quilts. I always love the different interpretations that the quilters come up with.
There was another challenge on display as well. This one had the theme of Yellow and Purple and I think it was organised by the Quilters Guild, but not specifically for this event. Anyway, there were heaps of entries, and once again the array of different ideas was rather amazing.

I think this was my favourite quilt in the show. The colour selection was so very effective. A traditional design using modern fabrics.

It wasn’t needle turn appliqué. I was quite fascinated by the technique. It appears to have had the red background fabric completely quilted as a whole quilt with a quarter inch diamond in red cotton, finishing up with quite a thin dense quilt. Then, the design was appliquéd on using monofilament and a tiny zig zag. What a terrible lot of work.
I think this quilt must have been made by the same quilter, as the technique was very similar.

I just loved the scallops on the border. They were black on a fine black and white polka dot. The effect was quite striking. Just coming up with different ideas is half the battle.

Now this one is rather stunning. Beautiful work.
Earlier in the morning I purchased a “Little Twister” ruler, as I’ve seen some small quilts using them and love the look. After seeing this quilt I went back to the stall and bought the matching larger ruler as well. The colour placement on this quilt really makes it.

The colours are also spot on with this cheerful quilt.
That’s all the photos I took at Braidwood. The following quilts were in the exhibition at Bungendore, which was on a slightly smaller scale.
This is such a simple effective design with beautiful colour selection. You just want to snuggle under it, as it looks so warm.

This was a smaller wall hanging.
The machine quilting really set it off.

When you look closely at this one….
You see that it is all machine pieced. What a lot of points to match. Very effective.

On the stage of the hall this quilt was on display. It had won a prize at the Sydney Quilt Show.

No wonder, once you see all the detail in the appliqué and quilting.
There were quite a few quilts that had been made with jelly rolls and Bali Pops.

This design shows off the larger scale prints well.

There were only three different fabrics in the next quilt. A very clever design.
And finally, this one really stood out, being so nice and bright. A very effective design.

It is so generous of all the talented quilters to share their work. It certainly made for a very enjoyable weekend for us all.
I don’t know if it was clear in my previous post that it wasn’t ten women that went down to Braidwood, but five women accompanied by our husbands. We are all more usually at motorcycle events, but this time it was a weekend for the girls. Mick is getting used to being dragged around quilt shows without too many complaints, but for a couple of the men it was their first exposure to this sort of event. I think they were suitably impressed with what can be created and the work and time that goes into them. It was also just a good excuse for us all to get away for the weekend and have a lovely meal together. We are hoping to do it again some time, and hopefully we will actually get see the quilts on display in the street.