Tuesday 29 October 2019

One Monthly Goal for October and Other Stitching

Phew!  I've met my goal for another month.

I have completed four more Splendid Sampler 2 blocks.

Some are getting a bit more complicated now.  "Full Circle" (top right) was supposed to have EPP and Freezer Paper piecing, but I machine pieced the centre hexy and used fusible machine applique for everything else.  Much simpler for me to achieve.  I think it still looks OK.

Now, I have also completed a couple of other things this month.

I made an Aussie themed table runner.   This was part of a gift for my good friend Loulee.

I will have more on the reason for the gift in a future post. 

The other recent finish was a couple of tea towels embellished with Christmas caravanning fabric.  One I kept for our van and the one pictured winged its way to New Zealand to Jenny for her van.  I also popped in one of Mum's crocheted kitchen towels.

This was a little thank you for a parcel I received from her.  You see, a little while ago Jenny made a bag using selvedges, which I rather admired.  She kindly offered to send me the magazine with the pattern for the bag.  

When the parcel arrived there was not only the magazine, but an interesting patchwork book.  I have read several books on Australian quilts, but this one, dated 1987, was a new one to me. Thanks Jenny.

So, I have achieved my One Monthly Goal of Four Splendid Sampler blocks, my final three Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks and completed something for Kris' One Project a Month.

Pop over to the Elm Street Quilts, So Scrappy and Tag Along Teddies to read all about them.


Maria said...

Lovely SS blocks.. I also did a few machine appliqué instead of EPP.
I'm sure Loulee loved her Aussie table runner..
Jenny is always sew generous withsharing her patterns. She also send me a pattern she made once I liked.
I saw on Jenny's blog she thrilled with her gifts.

Michelle Ridgway said...

I am loving your SS2 blocks. Love your Aussie themed gifts too. What a lovely surprise from Jenny xx

Jenny said...

Yes indeed, I love my new caravan tea towel and the special hand towel with crocheting by your mum Janice. I'm really pleased that the Aussie book featuring vintage quilts went to a "true blue Aussie quilter".

Cheryll said...

Nice splendid blocks & I LoVe the way you finished the circle one too... xox

loulee said...

Your blocks look amazing.
I love the table runner, funnily enough, it's sitting on my table right now.
Jenny is a lovely lady, so sweet of her to send you the magazines.

kiwikid said...

Wonderful block, I am all for making them the easiest way possible!
The table runner looks wonderful.
Great magazines for you.

Patty said...

Great blocks! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish!

My Arty-Farty Happy Place said...

I love the 'full circle' block Janice, and I was wondering where on earth did you find the Christmas caravan fabric? It looks so great.

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