We've had a couple of lovely lazy days.
On Boxing Day I had grand plans of starting Red Delicious. I found all my reds. I had purchased the large piece for sashings and some white for the background. The others from the stash should be enough. I traced the pattern and then went to get my Vlisofix. I purchased this a few months ago - it wasn't Vlisofix brand and the adhesive has come away from the paper. Totally useless. Not happy. So, consequently, I got no further. Instead, we both did next to nothing.
On Boxing Day evening we travelled to another niece's place for another Christmas feast. This time it was a barbecue, salads and lots of sweets. Mick's sister worked on Christmas day so her kids went to their partners' for the day and her family had their get together on Boxing Day.
Yesterday, as much as I didn't want to go anywhere, I went to town in the morning. I had to buy some Vlisofix. I went to Spotlight and they had 20% off everything in the store. I bought the Vlisofix (yes, the real stuff), some thread and of course I had to look at the fabrics. I came home with a couple of blenders and some juvenile fabrics. I don't know why, but I thought they would look good as bibs. I've never made a bib. I don't know of anyone having a baby soon, but someone will eventually need baby things. On the way home I called into mum's and she gave me some bias binding to use and a bib pattern.
When looking for bias binding I was drooling at all the lovely vintage bias binding she has. She just looks at is as stuff she hasn't got around to using yet. She also has oodle of lovely ric rac. I have brought home the vintage ones on the "ric rac" cards like on R
ic-Rac's blog header. There is heaps more as well. I know where to go to if ever I want to use some. Like I said recently, she can be very handy at times.
I also bought some fabric to make myself a skirt. I don't normally wear skirts, but there are some lovely bright summery skirts around this year. I got a pattern a few weeks ago, but couldn't find any fabric I liked. I had another look yesterday and found one with large blue flowers on a white background. Very much out of my comfort zone.
When I got home I pulled out the skirt pattern and took my measurements. The pattern is from size 6 - 14. When I buy clothes I am normally a size 12, so thought it would be fine. According to the pattern I am a size 18!!!! Not happy. Anyway, I added quite a bit onto the pattern and shock, horror, I made a skirt yesterday afternoon. I even figured out how to put in a zip. It is amazing what is filed away in the deep dark recesses of your memory. The skirt is completed except for a hook and eye, which I have to find in all my stuff. It is a tiny bit big in the waist, but as there isn't a waist band, as such, I can easily take it in. The best thing is that now it is made I like it. The main reason I stopped making clothes (like about 20 years ago) was that I went to all the effort and I didn't like the finished product once I put it on. I'll post a photo of my skirt when I can arrange for one to be taken.
I then went on to make 2 bibs. They just need a velcro tab for fastening. I've never made a bib before and was happy with the way they turned out. (Sorry about the side on photo.)

I must say that I didn't expect to have made a skirt and 2 bibs this holiday.
While I was in town I also visited
Home Patch, home of
Hatched and Patched. I had a gift voucher from my birthday last January which I hadn't used. I now own a really large cutting mat. My old one is only 11 inches wide, so it has always been awkward cutting wide strips of fabric. Now I have no excuse. I also came home with Anni's latest books "The World as it Should Be" and "Simple Pleasures" and a fabric pack for a bookmark. We are so lucky to have Home Patch as one of our local patchwork stores.

Consequently, Red Delicious is still not started. I don't think I'll get much done now, as I have to get the New Years Eve party organised and still have lots to do for Dad's party. Hopefully I'll be able to sneak a bit in.