Sunday, 9 March 2025

A Bit of Stitching and This and That

Now that things have settled down a bit I have actually been spending some time in the sewing room.

Firstly, my Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks have been made.

Then, the block I had to finish for Betty’s group quilt, that I started at her house last weekend.  It will get popped in the post tomorrow.

I have also been working on the Chookshed Challenge project, but that can have its own post tomorrow.

What else have we been up to?

The vege garden has been pulled out for the season.  It looks rather bare, but also much tidier.

Most of our tomatoes this year were self sown and ended up being small ones.  The last were mainly stewed up with onion, garlic and basil and frozen to use during the year.  Some are in the fridge to be used in the next week or so.

Our asparagus is only a couple of years old, so wasn’t eaten as yet.  However, it has just had a second flush of growth, so we picked a few spears and enjoyed them with our breakfast the other day.  They were so crisp.  Rather different to store bought.  I can’t wait to start picking some more next season.

I read a book yesterday.  My usual binge reading style.  Half way through I realised I had read it before.  Oh well, I couldn’t remember the outcome, so finished it off.  It is now being donated, so I won’t read it a third time.

The weather has been rather nice here and is starting to have a little bit of an autumnal feel to it.  I feel so much for all those affected by Tropical Cyclone Alfred.  You don’t expect that sort of weather system to be located so far south. We were preidicted to get about 30mm of rain today, but that has now been reduced to 0-20mm tomorrow.  We’ll see what eventuates.  A little rain would be very welcome at the moment.  What a land of contrast we live in.

That about sums up what I have been up to.  Hopefully, I will continue to spend more time in the sewing room in the next week or so.


Lin said...

Gorgeous fabrics in the block for your friend, fun. Homegrown asparagus is just wonderful - we had some when we lived in France and it was always exciting to have those first few spears. xx

Maria said...

Some nice blocks you’ve made.
Home grown is always much nicer ….
Someone will enjoy your donated book.

Jennifer said...

Love those yellow blocks - such a cheerful happy colour! I have read a few books by Stephen Booth, and quite enjoyed them.