Tuesday, 4 February 2025

March Plans

After a busy February, it would be nice if March was a bit quieter, but it is also shaping up to have quite a bit on.  So, once again, I will try to keep things rather simple.


The colour this month is Yellow.  I will make the split nine patch blocks and with a bit of luck, a crumb block to two.  We’ll see how that goes.


The number this month is Number 2. For me that is to make a Gail Pan bag using the stitchery I worked on while overseas last year.  Nope!  Not happening this month.

Like last month, I’m going to switch things around.  I need to prep some projects for Scrub Stitchin’ and one of those is the appliqué fish.  That just happens to be Number 9, so that will work perfectly.  I don’t expect to get anything stitched, but if I can get quite a few fused, ready to stitch I will be happy.  Fingers crossed that I have more time later in the year to work on the projects I am putting off now.

Pop over to Deana’s blog to see what the others will be working on.

What else would I like to do?

Ideally, I would like to get those rogue borders on my Blue/Hope quilt sorted and added back on to the quilt and the final border added.  It is stitched and ready to go.  Wish me luck on this one.

My knitting will probably progress.

And finally, it would be really nice to have the little pouch project from Scrub Stitchin’ last year finished for this year.  We’ll see how we go on that one too.  Don’t hold your breath.

I’m not making any other plans.  Everything else will be a bonus.

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