Sunday 30 July 2023

Stitching Wrap Up For July

Here it is, the end of July already.  Happily, I achieved all but one of my stitching goals.

Yes, I finished it this morning. At the last minute, as usual.  That’s the thing about making the goal something that I need a little push to work on, it may be at the last minute, but at least I am getting it done.  Otherwise, it would still be sitting there.
The reason this has been sitting on the back burner is that I was a bit daunted by the amount of appliqué, in particular, all the “pesky petals” and “blasted berries”.  They would have been quicker to work by hand.   However, once I made a start and did a bit each day, it came together nicely. 

Now that it is completed, I can finally start adding borders to create the quilt, rather than just making components.
I am also happy to have completed my giant granny rug.
I added another coloured wool as well and it ended up a nice size.
This will be delivered to Ronald McDonald House next week, together with seven little quilts I have made over recent months.
One of my neighbours is the local co-ordination for Wraps With Love and she requested that I complete a crochet edging on a rug that had been donated, as she only knits, not crochets.
It was a simple edging to complete.

As a result of our chat, I will also be delivering fourteen rugs to Ronald McDonald House on behalf of Wraps with Love.
I’ve started a new project as well.  I think I’m allowed, seeing as I have finished the granny rug.
There have been a couple of Chookshed Stitchers Zoom sessions this month, which have been great to participate in.
I ended up with no hand stitching, knitting or crochet during yesterday’s session, so finally made a start on a sashiko panel I purchased a couple of years ago.  Sashiko seems to be the flavour of the month at present, so why not see what all the fuss is about.  The panel is going to be pretty, but I have no idea what I will do with it once completed.  Anyway, yes, it is enjoyable and relaxing to work on.  Just as well, seeing as I had purchased a couple more panels at the quilt show last month.

You can see what other stitching I managed during July back here.

Oh, and the goal I didn’t achieve?  I still haven’t got a leader and ender project set up to work on, which kind of annoys me.  I really must sort that out.

Also, a wish, but not a goal, was to make another donation child’s quilt.  That didn’t happen either.  Not to worry, it is still there, waiting in the wings for another day.
However, I did manage my 15 minutes of stitching each day.  That is really becoming second nature now, which is nice.

My stats are:
15 minutes a day/week = 7/7
15 minutes a da/July = 30/30
15 minutes a day/2023 = 200/211
Success rate = 94.79%

I’m linking up over at Elm Street Quilts and Life in Pieces. Pop over to see what the others achieved this month.


Chookyblue...... said...

the centre is looking great janice.......well done.......and enjoy the sashiko......I've had the piece I finished for years......nice to have it I think we are all just pulling out projects we already had to stitch.........woops.....

Chookyblue...... said...

Oh and it was lovely to see you on zoom was a case of musical chairs for you I think

dq said...

94% is amazing! I am finally up to 82 having had a couple of non sewy months.

Your July project is absolutely gorgeous! I know you have been focused on it over the applique' for our Laundry Basket Mystery. I can see why.

Seeing you on zoom makes me all the more wish we could have visited more when I visited. Darn it you got sick.

Susan said...

So happy for you that the centre of the blue quilt is done - and the rug!!! YAY - pat on the back!

Anne-Marie said...

All your stitching is gorgeous. I'm marveling at the evenness of the machine appliqué.

Maria said...

Well done on getting the center block finished as well as your crocheted granny rug.
What a fabulous pile of quilts and rugs for Ronald Mac House.
Nice to catch up on Zoom even for a short time.

loulee said...

You're always an achiever. Love the crochet rug.