Sunday 26 April 2020

A Completed UFO - "Happy Thought" Mini Quilt

My One Monthly Goal for April was to finish my "Happy Thoughts" mini quilt.  For a while there I didn't think it would happen - hand stitching - say no more!

Well, once I got started it wasn't so bad.  I spent a few rather pleasant hours sitting in the sun on the back verandah stitching away and next thing it was done.

Being so small it took no time to do some very simple quilting and the binding was quick to attach too.  The final touch was to find some yellow buttons in the button jars and add them to the flowers.

It only took about ten years to get around to finishing it off.  Procrastination is my middle name.

Not only is this my OMG, it is another finish for Cheryll's WOOFA Challenge and a finish towards Kris' One Project a Month. 

It is even hanging on the wall of my sewing room in among all my other minis.  It fit in perfectly once I removed the crinoline lady tapestry Mum made.

She has been moved to the end of the bookcase, with the cross stitch of a Royal Doulton figurine. Mick's Mum owns this one and she has the figurine in her china cabinet.  The cross stitch was worked by one of her friends.  The two ladies go rather well together.

I don't really have any vertical spaces left, so will have to stop adding things.

Now to select another UFO to work on next month.

Thanks ladies for the encouragement to get this done.


kiwikid said...

Well done on the finish, the mini looks wonderful on the wall with the others. lovely to have stitching done my your Mums.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

LOVE it!! Ten years and worth waiting for. :-)

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Sweet little quilt, I love it!

Maria said...

A lovely finish Janice and as you said today " Perfect words " at this time...
The two ladies look great hanging together.

Fiona said...

oh it is a pretty mini and looks perfect with all your others. how do you hang yours up? those are lovely cross stitches too...

Cheryll said...

Congrats on your "challenge" finish...well done.
I LoVe your wall...& especially your show RiBBon... xox

loulee said...

Both pieces look right at home, in their new homes.
Good on you for completing the challenge too.
What's next?

Danette said...

I love the 10 year old project! In fact, I have that green fabric (that is to either side of the house) and I know mine is 10 years old, too! I made a backpack with it years ago for my sister and I'm sure there's a small snippet somewhere that I could use. A very cute post!

Pink Rose said...

Hi Janice wow lots of beautiful work ,I love your new little mini it's so cute ,well done my friend xx

Patty said...

Very lovely. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.

Nicole Painchaud said...

I love your wall of beauty. You must enjoy just sitting and looking at it, all the creativity there. Well done. Congrats on your finish.

Raewyn said...

Well done Janice = the mini looks a lot smaller on the wall than it does in the photos by itself!! That's a nice wall of minis you have. The Windmill one is really cool!