I did do a couple of posts in September, so here is a recap of those.
There was a blog meet at Perthville, which was fun to attend. Everyone enjoyed doing some stitching. We had a Swap. I made a coathanger. For fun little swaps, I made another butterfly and fabric tray. Anni provided us all with a cute little kit.
Now that the weather was warming up more events were happening. We travelled to Tottenham to the Far Cairn Rally.
Now for the stuff I didn't get to blog about.
We also attended the Sidecar Rally. We had to travel all the way to O'Connell - about 20kms. I was a bit off colour during the day so I drove out in the car - cheating. Mick took "Snubby" the silver side car and camping trailer, I was intrigued by the boat shaped version. We had a nice warm fire in the evening. The camping site was behind the historic O'Connell Hotel. The old Bake House in the right hand photo was a craft shop in the 70s. Mum was a member and I made four patch potholders and sold them. That would have been my first patchwork, while I was still in primary school. On the Sunday morning there was a car show as well, which was well attended.
Another Bicentenary event was "Bathex" Collectable Fair. We went and had a bo peep. Lots of interesting things. Mick had to try out the rather unusual historic bicycle. Sheep dip plungers was probably the most unusual collection. I shouldn't laugh - we have one.
The garden started to come alive and Mick and Joey the cat looked rather settled on the lounge one day.
Spring is a truly lovely season in our district.

A major project for the year was the Nature's Journey Stitch -a-long arranged by Chooky and assisted by Susan. I surprised myself by actually keeping up to date and completing the top on time at the end of September. I even had it quilted by October - no photos taken as yet. The plan was to have the quilt finished by the end of the year, but I have let the team down. All I need to do is stitch the binding on. That will be a priority for this year.
Good morning Janice,I enjoyed reading your post this morning,love your natures journey blocks I also love the coat hanger that you made,hope you have a lovely day my friend xx
So much exciting stuff 💖💖💖
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