Sunday 4 July 2010

Sweet Cherry Delight & Bling

Yesterday was my niece’s third birthday, so on Friday night I did a mad rush to make her a little bag and purse for her gift. They turned out so sweet.

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I was a little reluctant to let them go.

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I made a similar bag in pink for my other niece for her third birthday a few years ago and had to remember how I had made it.  Fortunately I was able to find where I had made a rough pattern shape to work from.

Yesterday was our little craft  afternoon.  We have had a few weeks break, so it was good to catch up with everyone again.  This is what greeted us a the front door.

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The first daffodils I have seen this year.  They are in a nice protected north facing spot.  We have a few jonquils out but that is all so far.

I had to come up with some hand stitching to do, and as my button jars are now sorted (so very much better) I had an ideal project.  A few weeks back I commented on a lady’s  bangle and she showed me how it was made.  So easy, I just had to have a go. I started it yesterday and finished it off this morning sitting in the sun on the verandah.  I love the way it turned out.

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It was so simple to make.  Just make a bangle of black elastic and sew on lots of buttons to completely cover the elastic.  What a great way to use some buttons and show them off. 

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This afternoon, as the weather was so nice (after another big frost this morning) we took “Snubby” for a run.  Mick has been tinkering with the position of the tow bar and wanted to have a test run towing the camper trailer.  We were away for about an hour and half and tried out all different road conditions, sealed, loose gravel, slippery clay, straight, steep and windy. 

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I was as snug as a bug in the sidecar with my picnic rug wrapped around my legs under the  weather cover. 

We are rather lucky here to have a great network of little back roads all over the place without having to travel far. I’d have been rather unhappy on some of the roads if I had been sitting on the back of a solo, but the bike with sidecar handled all conditions really well.

And just to top off a lovely afternoon, when we got home I made a batch of scones for afternoon tea.  They were beautiful, straight from the oven.  I wonder how many ladies are making scones as a result of the Masterchef fiasco.  One of the ladies took some to patchwork yesterday.  I’d say lots of us are showing that even if we aren’t the flashest chefs, we can at least cook the basics OK.


Cubby House Crafts said...

I haven't been watching Masterchef, but I have heard about the scones...I didn't think anyone could fail scones!lol!
I love the little bag and purse...very sweet!
Lisa ʚϊɞ

Cubby House Crafts said...

PS Forgot to mention your have done a beautiful job, its a great way to show off all your favourite buttons!
Lisa ʚϊɞ

cumquats said...

Nothing beats scones for comfort. My grandmother was a scone maker extraordinaire, so I have great memories of them. I love your bracelet.

Joy said...

Love the bracelet, what a great idea, and the little bag is just darling!!
I just showed DH a pic of you and your Motorbike, he was suitably impressed - so am I, especially with your sidecar, how cool :o)!!
Joy ;o)

Cardygirl said...

Looks like a busy few days! great bag...really bracelet...thanks for the look as a cute as a bug in your sidecar...glad you had fun!

Bec said...

The bracelet looks fantastic! and so easy to do!
Love the bag and purse you made for your niece, gorgeous!
The daffodils are beautiful; when dh stops bring trucks into our house yard (and over the fences too! LOL) I will plant some bulbs. Am missing flowers...
You do look very snuggly tucked in the sidecar! Sounds like you got a fair bit in for the time you went riding, and lots of fresh air!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Very cute bag and purse, Janice I am sure they would have been a hit with your bracelet, what a great idea.

Judith Tetley said...

Hi Janice, what a lovely post....a bit of everything. Love the cute gifts!
Kind Regards