Yesterday was Mother's Day so I finally was able to give Mum her sewing machine cover that I made back in
March..... which was supposed to be her birthday present back in October..... and then was to be her Christmas present....... but I suppose all good things come to those who wait!
Fortunately, it fit her machine....lucky that:>)
So here it is, in my Mum's creative space. It is amazing what comes out of this little room. My Mum is one of those old fashioned ladies who never throws anything out, and uses whatever fabric/wool/trims she has in her craft.

In the 50's Mum taught dressmaking at Technical Colleges. She gave up her career when she married in the early 60's. When Mum and Dad bought their house they went to a clearing sale and bought 2 old tables for 5 shillings each - one for Dad's shed, and one for Mum's sewing room. You can see the corner here. It has turned legs, which are nicked and dinged, it is painted gloss white and has old lino on the top - perfect for using a tracing wheel when dressmaking. It is not too high, which is good, as neither is Mum! It will seat 10.
If you get down on the floor and look up under it though, it is actually solid Australian cedar. If it was done up it would be worth heaps, but Mum won't let anyone touch it, as it is just perfect for her the way it is.
Mum doesn't do much dressmaking now, but she is a member of a local community craft shop and is always making some little thing for the shop....vyella baby jackets, embroidered bibs and baby singlets, knitted toys, rugs, beanies and gloves, cross stitch book marks and tea towel edges, you name it, she has probably made it... she is somewhat proficient in most traditional crafts...but I can't really get her interested in patchwork.
As you can gather, she has been the one to teach me pretty much all I know. Unfortunately, I don't do nearly as much as I like and my dressmaking skills are very rusty.
But.... I have just made this little fellow.
He was on the front cover of a recent Handmade magazine and really caught my eye. There was no point in making him as what would I do with him?
Enter Seth! Seth is a little friend and he is having a 1st birthday party on the day we fly out to the Isle of Man, so I can't go:(. He is the perfect reason to make the little frog.

I am so pleased with the way he turned out. He seems to be sitting beside me most of the time at present. He is soft and squishy and his legs and arms move, so is lovely to play with. I think Seth should enjoy him. Mick says I should name him, but I can't think of anything except "Fred". (I seem to call lots of things "Fred".)
And most importantly, he is my May finish. I don't think I will have time now to do much more.