Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Rosie Goes Blackberrying

Remember that Mick bought a little Suzuki Sierra about eighteen months ago and named her Rosie?   Well, he had been having a lot of fun getting her up to scratch, but she hasn’t travelled very far as yet.  One of our good mates has a property out of town with a section that can only be described as “goat country”.  It has been the perfect testing ground for Rosie.  

Mick has been out several times, but I went out last week for the first time.  You see, four wheel driving is not really my thing.  However, as there was the prospect of picking blackberries, I went along.

The spot where we picked was rather pretty, beside a small dam.  It is surprisingly green for this time of year.  Once it cools down a bit Mick and my brother hope to go camping here.

We were probably a couple of weeks early to get a good harvest of blackberries, but we were able to fill a small ice cream container.  Just enough to eat some and freeze some for later pancake breakfasts.  Yum.


Jeanette said...

Nice little spot to visit & having blackberries is a bonus. I haven't been blackberrying since i was a kid. :) Used to be loads of bushes up around the little town i grew up in.

Susan said...

Definitely worth a bumpy off road drive.

kiwikid said...

Great outing Janice, good to read Rosie is running and ready for adventures.

Anonymous said...

Our blackberries are finally producing fruit and they are thornless, win win

Jennifer said...

Oh yum, blackberries.....we used to go blackberry picking when I was a kid, my grandmother would make pies with them. They were so good!

Lin said...

Nice to find those blackberries before the birds! Enjoy. xx

ShinyNewThing said...

Meanwhile I'm sitting here in the UK listening to the miserable grey rain outside at 4C, feeling grateful that I managed to get to the post office with my big box before it started.

Maria said...

Nice bumpy ride in Rosie to collect a fed of blackberries…

loulee said...

Oh yum, fresh blackberries.

Jenny said...

Mmm, blackberries, so delicious. Hope the next time you go you can collect enough to make some jam.

Fiona said...


Susan Smith said...

Looks like a lot of fun and picking blackberries is not quite as tedious as our blueberries. Haha!!!! Talk soon. Take care & hugs.

Michelle Ridgway said...

What a pretty spot. Yum! What a great bonus...all those lovely blackberries to enjoy now and later xx

dq said...

What a beautiful plac to hang out with Rosie in! She's a cutie!