Monday 7 October 2024

First Week of October

There has been a little bit of stitching and associated tasks each day so far this week.

Firstly, I have made a little start on the Christmas stitchery, mostly done this morning while sitting outside in the warm sunshine.  That is by far the best light for stitchery.

On Wednesday I took my hexy squares along to our patchwork group and got quite a few appliquéd down, with a few more on Friday at my other stitching group.

At the Wednesday group, one of our members brought along a garbage bag full of scraps.  Another lady sorted and trimmed, creating a few piles of usable pieces.  I selected a few that I thought would work well for more hexies, as my obvious scraps have been used up.  At the end of the day, she announced that she was over it and the rest were going in the garbage…..Nooooo!…There may be more that I can use for hexies, as I only need small pieces.  Therefore, on Wednesday afternoon I spend a couple of hours sorting and trimming.  Quite a bit still went in the garbage as they were too small for anything and I ended up with this nice pile that will be very useful.  I have already cut a few of the smaller pieces into hexies.  The pieces that weren’t suitable, either being too small on not colours that will work have been kept as well.  If I don’t use them I know a certain lady that likes to piece with teeny tiny scraps and I will be able to pass them on to her later.

As a result, I now have a new pile of hexies, prepped ready to stitch.  I am now over half way with these, but once they are all stitched into flowers, they will still have to be appliquéd onto their squares.  A long way to go yet.

I have recently come up with a better way to take photos on my cutting mat.  You see, the ceiling lights are behind me and the little light under the shelf is in front of everything, creating shadows.  My solution is to use one of my little portable work lamps.  Too simple.  It should never work, but it does.

Did you happen to notice that I have a new cutting mat.  My old one would be nearly 20 years old and is getting a bit grooved.  The large Fiskars ones were on special at Spotlight, so I treated myself.  I have often looked for them but they never seemed to have them in stock.  This time I looked on line, where it said that yes, they were in stock.  Once I asked the sales assistant, she got one from behind the counter where they are keeping them lying flat.  No wonder I could never find them.  I have still kept my old one for those times I cut backing and batting on the dining table, which has much more room to move around.

A bonus project progression happened on Friday.  One of my lovely stitching friends has been reading my blog and read that I was feeling rather overwhelmed.   Well, she very kindly took pity on me and offered to deconstruct my little crochet rug at our Friday group.  She made a start……but let’s say…..this rug was not going to fall apart.  The joins were crochet, so would easily undo, but I had done a very good job of weaving in my ends.  In the end we both worked on it and got most of it done that morning.  In the afternoon I continued working on it and now I again have a nice pile of blocks ready to join once more, this time by sewing them rather than by crochet, so hopefully they will sit nice and flat.  They are now packed away, to be a job for another day.  I must say, it does feel rather good to have that job behind me and I can’t thank my friend enough.  It was so kind.

In the garden, our potatoes in the tyre have been growing, so today a second tyre was added and some extra soil to build up to nearly the top of the leaves.  They are growing so fast.

We got brave on Thursday and went and bought our vegetable seedlings - tomatoes, zucchini and eggplants, as well as some flower seedlings - dianthus and portulaca.  Of course, now that they are in the ground we are expecting morning temperatures of about 3 or 4 C, so each night they will all be covered, along with the potatoes.  Some look quite ghostly, with frames shrouded in white sheets, while others are just draped with old towels.

Speaking of ghostly apparitions…… it’s a bit freaky walking into our bedroom at the moment, as this is in the corner.  It kind of takes you aback at first, especially at night.  What? Why?  This is my wedding dress.  I have it out, hoping some of the creases in the dress and petticoat will drop over the next couple of weeks.  You see, next year, as part of the bicentenary events for our church, there will be a display of wedding dresses, photos of weddings at the church and christening robes.  I’m going to have mine on display at the church fete in a couple of weeks to promote it and request contributions for the display.

When I look at it, I realise how very tiny I was back then.  “Victoria” our antique dress form has a tiny waste and my dress only just goes around it.  My waste was 23 inches back then and I weighed 52kg.  The back zip is not done up at this stage, as Victoria’s bust is too large.  Fortunately, she is adjustable, so we have to have a play and see if we can get her to fit my dress. When I look at it I marvel at what a beautiful job my Mum did on making this dress, with fine pin tucks and lace.  It was designed to enable me to wear my Grandmother’s cameo brooch.  No, it will not be added for the display.  It has too much sentimental value.  

Now I just have to hunt out my christening dress.  It is packed away somewhere in Mum’s things in our garage.  Wish me luck.

Finally, as today was such a nice day, we decided to go for an outing and have lunch in a country village.  Firstly, to find somewhere that was open for lunch.  We were surprised how many country pubs were closed on the long weekend Monday.  Thank goodness we did a little ring around before heading off.  Plan A was to take “Olga the old girl” sidecar for a run.  Well, that didn’t happen, as she didn’t want to start, and once started, didn’t want to run.  Mick thinks she needs a new battery as well as a little TLC.  We still went for our drive, just in the car.  Lunch was at a nice little cafe at Tarana.  We then took a wobble tour on the way home via some minor gravel roads.  We even found a sweet old timber bridge, which is becoming hard and harder to find.

And that about wraps up the week.

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