Sunday 28 July 2024

Ticking Off July’s Stitching Goals

Due to our travels up north this month my stitching goals were rather simple.  You can read about them here.  As we returned home a bit sooner than expected, they were achieved, plus a little bonus.

My One Monthly Goal and the Chookshed Stitchers’ Goal were one and the same, which is something that will probably continue to be the case.  

This month I switched out the Chookshed Goal to align with something portable and am happy to report that I did complete my thirteen hexy flowers that I had prepped. That means that I have sixteen flowers.  I have no idea how many I will end up making and this will definitely be a slow stitching project.  I plan to appliqué them onto six inch background squares…… I think.  Anorina has a pattern in the current edition of Homespun Magazine, which consists of 111 flowers from 1 inch hexies and 8 flowers from 2 inch hexies.  If I want to make that, I have quite a way to go.  We’ll see what  happens.  There are plenty of options out there.  When I get in the mood, I need to prep a heap more.  It will happen at some stage.

I definitely won’t be joining them all together like this, but aren’t they nice and colourful.

I’m linking up over at Stories from the Sewing Room.  Pop over to see what else had been achieved this month. I’ve linked up with Deana.

I did happen to meet my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects this month as well.  The nominated colour was aqua or teal.  In my haste, I didn’t happen to read the teal bit at the start of the month, which is a bit of a pity, but we still did OK.  

I had completed my split nine patch blocks before we left.

One of my hexy flowers also fitted the bill.

Since we returned home I have made my two Fishy Business blocks, one with aqua for the main body of the fish and one with aqua for the accent.  This is where teal would have suited better, to get better contrast, but we did OK.

One of the fabrics was fairly pale, so I wanted the second fabric to really pop, so selected a bright orange.  However, when I was prepping it, and had the black of the eye sitting on it, before I had cut out the white, all I could see was a prawn. (See what I mean about teal would have been better.)

Once the white was added to the eye it did look more like a fish, but I think I will  forever continue to see a prawn.  Not that it matters.  I reckon you will see it as a prawn from now on too.

I thought it was about time that I laid them all out to see how they look together.  I’m really happy with them.  They will have extra blue blocks between them.  My plan is to make two child sized quilts with twelve blocks each for donation.  They should be nice happy quilts.

I’m linking up over at So Scrappy.  Pop over to see what the others have done this month.

I’m still playing in the sewing room, so hopefully there will be just a little bit more to report at the end of the month.


Lin said...

Yes, very lovely colourful hexies - gotta love a hexie! Your fish are gorgeous to, nice aqua's. xx

Julie in GA said...

Your hexie flowers are very pretty, and I'm loving the fishy blocks! They will make great kid's quilts.

Maria said...

Gorgeous colourful hexies and RSC blocks.
This month’s FISH make the quilt pop so great.

Sara said...

Love those hexies and the fish. The fish are just fun!! The hexie flowers will be wonderful no matter how you put them together.

Barwitzki said...

Your hexies are so beautiful.
And the fish blocks are heavenly. I love. These will be such beautiful quilts.
I'm currently working on my third top - it's supposed to be a gift and that's why there won't be any photos of it on the blog until much later.
I wish you lots of fun and great tours.
A hug from Viola

cityquilter grace said...

gosh i think your fishy blocks are super and colorful! gonna make adorable little quilts...

Anne-Marie said...

The hexies are so cheerful and the fish are super fun. I like doubling up on my goals too.

Jenny said...

Your fish are fabulous, makes me wish I had started this pattern too.

Susan Smith said...

Well done with your challenges after such a busy month. Love your hexis & something I've only tried once about 40 years ago & told they weren't neat enough. The fish are so colourful & make me smile. I'll now see prawns with aqua stripes (giggle). Thanks for the catchup, take care & hugs.

loulee said...

A very colourful shoal of fish. Those hexies look great too.

dq said...

Love seeing your fish together! I have been preparing mine for hand applique' each month and finally got most of them stitched down in my travels this July.
Your hexie flowers are lovely as well.

Fiona said...

the hexagons are a good portable project... I do love how your fish are looking...

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

Great job with the hexies and fish!

Susan said...

ooops- I missed the teal bit too - pity - but August is Orange so you could swap your prawn to be August and make a teal one....or something....yes - it does look like a prawn!!! I didn't get to laying mine time??

Love the colourful hexies -Anorinas quilt is very pretty...

kiwikid said...

Great hexie collection Janice, love your fish too and even your prawn fish!!

Preeti said...

Your hexies are gorgeous. They will make an absolutely beautiful quilt. The fish are inspirational. I am saving that idea for next year's RSC project.