Thursday 29 August 2019

Virus Meets Granny Shawl - Another Finish

You may remember I bought a ball of yarn at the Sydney Craft Show back in June and started crocheting the Virus Meets Granny Shawl.  You can read about my progress and where to locate the pattern and tutorial over here.

I started the project in July and happily I finished it in August.  You've no idea how happy I am about that.  These sorts of projects are often the ones that get put aside and become a UFO, but not this time.

So, how did it turn out?

Rather well, I think.  When I started I despaired that the colours weren't changing fast enough, but when it is finished they are just fine.  

I'm pleased that I added the granny panels, as it adds a bit of interest.  It was much easier to make than it looks, being just chain, double crochet and trebles (UK terms).

I wanted it to be drapey so I could wear it as a scarf rather than a shawl.  It looks OK on Victoria, so hopefully I will get some wear out of it, but that will be more for next winter.

I have a bit of the yarn left over, but I'm not sure if it is enough to do anything much with and it is all a rather similar very pale blue to grey.

I've been surprised at how much I have enjoyed doing some crochet during the cooler  months.  I have another ball of Caron Cake yarn, so there will be some more in the future, but once again, that will be for next winter.......I think.

The best thing is that I have a project to link with Kris' One Project a Month.  Happy Dance.


Maria said...

Your Shawl/Scarf is gorgeous..
The colours in the ball of wool worked out beautifully.

loulee said...

I love this piece. I'm sure it will keep you cosy for years to come.

Ali Honey said...

Well done it is delicate and delightful.

kiwikid said...

Your shawl/scarf is beautiful Janice, well done on the finish. Love how the colours change.

Pink Rose said...

Hi Janice wow i love this scarf the colours are eautiful and how awesome does it look on Victoria,this will definately keep you warm,well done my friend xx

My Arty-Farty Happy Place said...

What a lovely shawl Janice, and the colours are beautiful - you have done a great job.

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Gosh, your shawl is gorgeous!!