Is anyone else having strange things happen with comments or is it just me?
For a couple of months now I can only comment on some blogs, but not others, on my phone or ipad. I can comment on them all from my desktop computer. As I like to sit by the heater with my ipad reading blogs, this is a pain.
It appears that if the blog takes you to a second screen to comment it works, but if the comment text box shows at the bottom of the blog post I can't. Why the difference? They are all blogspot blogs. I had a look in the comments section of the settings on mine and there is a question about the location of comments. Mine has "popup window" as the setting and if you go to comment it takes you to the second screen. (Well I think it does, it did when I tested it.) Is that affecting things?
The other issue only started on Wednesday. None of the comments on my blog are going through to my email. This happened once before and some clever person found a work around. Is anyone else having this same problem, and if so, has anyone heard of a work around this time?
Please help a technologically challenged blogger.
Hi Janice oh dear ,i discovered while i was away that i couldnt comment on blogs with my phone.
I have had trouble in the last week being able to comment on a couple of blogs so i redid the comment and instead of pushing the post button i went to preview and then pushed the post button and it worked on the both the blogs that i couldnt comment on,hope it all sorts out for you soon xx
I hope "Sheryl" is right again - it was her who told us all to go in and re enter our email address to get around the problem last time.
This is the trouble with web apps - they can just change things overnight and there are not "release Notes" and you never know until things stop working the way you want them to.
I don't use my phone to do blog comments but I do use my ipad...will have to have a look at this. thanks for the heads up.
So far I haven't had a problem ...When I use my IPad I read the blogs on Feedly....do hope you can get it sorted...
I haven't had any problems I am aware of, just atching ypmafter a week away though. Hope you can sort it.
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