We had another trip away on “Snubby” the weekend after the Sidecar Rally. On the October long weekend a group of us decided to travel to the thriving metropolis of Albert – population 12. Just an overnighter.
Mick and some mates went up there at about this time last year and had a ball, so wanted to go again. I stayed home last time and visited the open gardens instead. The other reason we wanted to return, was to see the giant Rabbit Trap that has been built on top of the pub. It has only been there a couple of months.
We had a great ride up, the weather was good and the countryside looked a picture around Canowindra. However, the further north west we went the drier it got.
We called in at the little craft shop in the old railway station at Bogan Gate and bought some jam and chocolate fudge brownies.

Yummo! They ladies were great and good sports.
I always love seeing the silos along the way.

We had to stop to take a photo of this important event.

Yes, 100,000 kms on Snubby. That’s a long way, when you consider this bike is only used for recreational purposes, and we have other bikes as well. Mind you, that is over 11 years.
Finally, we arrive at Albert. It is between Tullamore and Tottenham, and west of Narromine.
We had a great spot to set up our campsite directly opposite the pub. It is a free camp area, but has a good hot shower in the amenities block.
Don’t you hate it when things don’t go to plan. No worries. A bit of bed swapping between tents meant that everyone had a good night’s sleep.

I suppose one option would have been to sleep in the little Rabbit Trapper’s hut.

Once the housework was done, we adjourned to the verandah of the pub. There’s always one who has to ham it up for the camera. Trust Mick!

There is no mobile phone coverage out here. It is back to the old technology……except it didn’t work. A reminder of what we used to take for granted.

Jenny and I had a wander around the streets just before the sun set.

Of course, I had to take photos of flowers as well.

Yes, that last one is Patterson’s Curse.
We had a rather relaxing evening at the typical Aussie pub. For such a small place, it sure was crowded on Saturday night. They do excellent food, which always draws a crowd.
And in the morning, the obligatory group photo.

We thoroughly enjoy getting away for weekends like this. It is often just as good as going away for a week. We should do it more often.