Saturday, 1 February 2025

My Plans for February

Remember, in January, how I said I was going to wind back my goals?   Well, I seem to have quite a few this month.  That’s a bit silly, as the Wedding and Baptism display that I am organising is this month as well.  But, I do need something as a distraction.

So, what do I hope to achieve.

The first simple goal is the Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks in blue.  

Two more Split Nine Patch blocks will be made and I’ve already pulled the fabrics.

Deana has announced the Chookshed Challenge number, which is NUMBER 10.  

Mmmmm. For me that is the QUEENSLAND HEXY TABLE RUNNER. Now, there is a bit of work in that one.  I have to do the stitchery on the middle hexies, then the EPP, then piece it, quilt and bind it.  OK, not really a great deal of work and very achievable in a month, but not this month.  I want something that I don’t have to think too much about.

Therefore, I am going to switch it out with NUMBER 7, which is the SEA GLASS MINI QUILT.   That works on a few levels.  Firstly, it is should be fairly simple.  Secondly, the colours are blues to greens, so kind of fits in with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge colour and thirdly, I intend to place the sea glass pieces in a heart shape.  That works for Valentine’s Day, and also will suit my summer display on my little shelf in the kitchen.  I’ll have to try to have it completed before the 14th.

Of course, I need hand work to take to my stitching days.  I hope to have my autumnal knitted scarf finished in the next week or so.

I’ll see if I can get started again on the pouch for Scrub Stitchin’.

My final wish, which is the lowest priority, but I would really like to do, is to remove the two offending borders off my Blue/Hope Quilt and make them fit properly and then add the final border, which is all ready to go.  The ones I need to remove are the postage stamp one and a narrow one that I added after it.  They are rather wavy.  Wouldn’t it be good if I was to get that done in the “Blue” month.

It will be fun to see how many thread spools I can manage to empty in the process of all of these.

Although I’m not joining in officially, I still hope to achieve 15 minutes of crafting most days. I forgot to mention that I managed 27 days out of 31 in January, which is 87%.  Let’s hope I can get it up over 90% by the end of the year.

Time to get stitching.


Maria said...

You sure have a busy month so swapping your # 10 for #7 will work.
Blue RSC blocks is a quick do.
Have fun with your knitting and hand work.
How will you fix the wonky border?

ButterZ said...

You still have a lot on your plate this month. There are some good blues in there. Can’t wait to see some photos of your exhibition.

Lin said...

Yes you are going to be busy this month! Just remember it is not a race and you don't have to finish - more important to enjoy! xx

Jennifer said...

Your blue quilt will be very pretty, when it's all sorted.....and that's a nice collection of blue fabrics, too.

loulee said...

Manageable goals. I'd love to do a sea glass quilt. I used to collect sea glass. Jiffy now has my collection. It would be good to see the HOPE quilt make progress.

Lianne Makes Stuff said...

I have seen a few sea glass quilts and they look lovely, Blue month sounds good too

Jenny said...

You've got a lot of projects to work on this month, good luck with that!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Lot's to keep you very busy this month. Your new scarf is so very pretty and I love the yarn colour/s. The blue Hope quilt is absolutely gorgeous and I hope you don't need too much unpicking to finish it up for the month. Happy Sewing!!

Narelle said...

Good luck with your "Blue" goals and Feb finishes.

Fiona said...

Good luck, and Feb is a shorter month too..... Hugz

dq said...

You are so close on your GORGEOUS "hope" quilt. I "hope" you are lucky enough to get to it this month.
Tilly's Tea Party has "delicious" fabrics in it. I am in love!