Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble

It’s that time……

The veges are starting to ripen and we have sufficient tomatoes to make some relish.  This is the condiment that we use the most, and we ran out towards the end of last year.  Tragedy, but it did meant that I supported some little craft shops.  However, I know I am biased, but we really do like ours the best.

The recipe says to peel the tomatoes, but I am lazy, so just chop them finely.  This year our pot contains large tomatoes, tiny tomatoes and yellow tomatoes.  They all work.  Also, the onions are from our garden.  You know they are fresh when they are rather juicy and make you cry lots.  Here are the tomatoes and onions sitting in their brine.  That was supposed to be done the night before, but I forgot.  So, it was done in the morning and sat all day, ready for us to make the relish in the evening.

When it came to adding all the other ingredients, after draining off the brine, I discovered that I didn’t have sufficient malt vinegar, which I usually use.  I really didn’t want to have to go to the shops.  No worries, we used the dregs of some apple cider vinegar, the remaining malt vinegar and then made up the rest with white vinegar.  Once again, it doesn’t matter.  The recipe is rather forgiving.

Ta da!  Our yearly supply of Tomato Relish, all ready to go.

If you would like to try the recipe yourself, here it is.  My cousin’s wife gave it to Mum years ago.  I believe it may be a CWA recipe. It says “will keep for years”, but it never lasts long at our house.  Yummy with scrambled eggs.

For metric conversion, I used 3kg tomatoes, 1kg onions, 750g sugar and 250g sultanas.


Jennifer said...

I don't eat tomatoes, but I always look out for home-made pickles and jams at craft shops we come across in our travels.

loulee said...

Might have to give that one a go, thank you for sharing. My cauldron is busy today too. I'm doing a slow cooker tomato relish.

kiwikid said...

I wish we got enough tomatoes to make this, well done on cooking up your years supply!

ButterZ said...

I think I might give it a try. We love home made relish

Susan Smith said...

Sounds great & no garlic. Garden has been a disaster this year, but I am up to over 20kgs of blueberries with lots more to come. Thanks for sharing, take care & hugs.

dq said...

Aren't they so pretty in the jars with cute labels? Canning is work, but the rewards are so worth it. You know exactly what you are eating too.

Jenny said...

Yum looks delicious

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Yummy! All look delicious. Thanks for the recipe.

Fiona said...

so great when you have a stock of your favourite .....

cityquilter grace said...

looks uber delish