Wednesday 28 August 2024

Chookshed Stitchers Challenge and One Monthly Goal Completed

 My goal this month was “Laundry Basket Quilts 2023 Spring Mystery Quilt - Progress”.

This is where I was up to at the beginning of the month.

Finally, after I had finished the little Blue House Sampler hanger I could turn my attention to this quilt.

My plan was to add a narrow border and then a half square triangle border, but first to work out the maths.  Ideally, I would have liked to have added three inch HSTs, but that would mean only a half inch narrow border, so in the end it was a one and a half inch first border and then four inch HST.  

I pulled out this selection of fabrics that I thought would work.

They looked nice all cut out ready to go.

I marked them all out ready to stitch and started pinning them together when I realised I’d had a brain freeze and pinned them right side of the neutral to the wrong side of the coloured fabric! Doh!  Thank goodness I woke up to myself before I had stitched and cut them apart.

After I made them and started to lay them out I thought the overall effect was a bit drab, so removed a few colours and replace them with something a bit more vibrant.  Here is my final selection, ready to stitch together.  Much happier.

So, here she is, all done, in the poor indoor night time light.  I had just enough of the narrow border fabric left over from the pieced centre.

And outside in the daylight.  I’m really pleased with how it looks. All fabrics were from stash.

The next big decision is whether to quilt it now using a pantograph, or wait until I have the confidence to custom quilt it.  At this stage I am leaning towards a pantograph to just get it done and being used.  Mick has commented that it would be a nice springtime quilt on our bed, so let’s see how I go.

Anyway, for now the challenge has been met, as I definitely “progressed” the quilt.

I’m linking up with Stories From the Sewing Room and will link to Deana in a couple of days.


Anonymous said...

Looks great & glad I'm not the only one who has "duh" moments like that. Take care and hugs.. Susan (grannysmith).

Jennifer said...

That is so pretty - love your border idea!

Laura said...

Love it! Congrats on your progress! :)

cityquilter grace said...

i love this much would it need to be big enough for the bed? it is so very spring...

Jenny said...

Well done, this is so very pretty.

Karen's Korner said...

Spring has definitely arrived when I look at your pretty quilt. A good save before the stitching and cutting happened with the HSTs.

Fiona said...

That is a gorgeous quilt....

marina said...

gorgeous and I love the border you have made for it. Fantastic!

Lin said...

Such a pretty top and those HST's set it all off beautifully. xx

loulee said...

It is a very pretty quilt. You will have plenty of opportunities to custom quilt something else in the future. Pull out your pantographs, pick a nice one and pop it onto your bed for Spring. You already have Micks prior approval.

kiwikid said...

Beautiful quilt Janice and well done to get it so progressed!!

Maria said...

Well done on completing the #3 challenge. It’s lovely and the border looks great.

Anne-Marie said...

It's beautiful either way.

Anonymous said...

Love what you did with the border. A spring quilt would be nice to have and use ….

Hanne said...

What a beautiful finish!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful quilt Janice, look forward to seeing it finished