Sunday 23 June 2024

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig

We returned home on Wednesday morning to a cold and frosty day, 43 hours after we hopped out of bed.  Our plane arrived in Sydney early, so we fluked seats on the XPT train to Bathurst with 4 minutes to spare. Otherwise we would have had to hang around Sydney until mid afternoon.  

We went from nearly the longest day in the year to nearly the shortest, from sunrise a bit before 5am and sunset a bit before 10pm to sunrise a bit after 7am and sunset a bit after 5pm.

It has taken us a few days to get over the jet lag and I’m gradually working my way though the mountain of laundry.  Short, cold days don’t help.

It was a lovely surprise to see this pop of colour in our bathroom.  It had just started to bud up before we left a month ago.

Outside there was more unexpected colour.  In the potting shed the cyclamen was putting on quite a show.  We had bought this for Mum a few years ago for Mother’s Day and when it finally stopped flowering brought it home and popped it in a pot.  This is the best show it has put on.

Our said little lemon tree has lemons ready to use.  We only had two lemons last year, so this is a big improvement.  I can see lemon butter and lemon delicious pudding on the menu.

The daphne is going to put on quite a show soon as well.

Other little pops of colour are the delicate little violets.

And one polyanthus.  We did see one pretty little yellow primrose while on the Isle of Man.  We used to have one in our garden at our first home, but have not had one since.  Not a plant you see very often.  We may have to see if we can find another one to pop in the garden.

I’ll gradually add some posts about our trip over the next little while.

Meanwhile, I need to work out where I am up to with my stitching and get back in the groove.


Maria said...

Such a pretty welcome home.

Jennifer said...

What a lovely colourful welcome home for you!

loulee said...

What a great welcome you had.
Yes, mid summer to mid winter must be a shock to the system. Though I see that the weather isn't really what it should be in Northern climes.

Susan said...

I think your garden has put on a very special show for your return!

Susan said...

and I meant to add - your longest day / shortest day is like when I left Sydney in +24 and arrived in Calgary Canada in -24
A shock to the system.

Susan Smith said...

Glad to see this post pop up & can't wait to catch up with you and hear all about your trip too. Great looking cactus & cyclamen & the other bits too. Made a lemon slice yesterday with a friend's lemons,(my tree produces tiny wee ones) so another idea for you. -1deg. here as I type this.......brrrrr. Keep warm, take care & hugs.

Fiona said...

welcome home... it's always fun to see what has happened in the garden after a trip away.... takes me about a week to get over jet lag .... hope you recover quicker from it...

dq said...

I am surprised how good your flowers did while you were away, especially the one in the bathroom. Mine would have been so dry.