All the way from Germany. I've never received mail from Germany before. It was my Secret Santa Christmas Swap parcel from the lovely Stephanie.
This was what was inside. Those little treats won't last long.
As is the tradition, the smaller parcel was opened straight away to reveal a gorgeous card and sweet decoration. It doesn't show up very well here. (Maybe one of those treats is already missing.)
When the ornament is hanging on the tree it shows itself as a beautiful Christmas flower, all hand pieced with lovely beading on the edges and as stamens. The little bells finish it off nicely. So much work has gone into this ornament.
My twig tree has now found a suitable home in our new house and showcases our hand made and other special ornaments. The larger parcel and card are now under the tree awaiting Christmas Day.
Thanks Stephanie and thanks Chookyblue for once again going to the trouble of organising us all for this enjoyable swap. Christmas wouldn't be the same without it.
A cute ornie Stephi sent you... hope you can wait to open the main gift till Christmas and no peeping.
What a great ornament, never seen one like it!
I love Christmas parcels too - and have one from my quilty penfriend in South Dakota all ready and waiting for Christmas Day.
Liebe Janice,
ich freue mich sehr das das Weihnachtspaket wohlbehalten bei dir angekommen ist, vor allem aber freut es mich, dass dir meine Weihnachtsblume gefällt. Da ich nicht heraus gefunden habe welche Farben deine Lieblingsfarben sind, habe ich sie in traditionellen Weihnachtsfarben hergestellt.
Viele liebe Grüße und noch eine schöne Vorweihnachtszeit!
How fun to get a parcel from a far away land. The decoration is so pretty. I've never seen one like it. I love that it has bells.
your decoration looks lovely hanging on the tree..........hope you had a great day yesterday.......
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