I think I am one of the guilty parties that Chooky referred to when she commented that it is a bit quiet in blogland. I’ve been having a browse, but that is about all. So, here is a bit of a catch up.
Firstly, last weekend I stayed home……….all weekend………I didn’t go anywhere! That is quite monumental for me. It was just delightful. Actually, our weekends have mainly been quiet recently, which we have really enjoyed. It is that time of the year. Mind you, when I look at our calendar, that is all about to change.
So, what have I done with all this time?
I’ve baked each week. Mick has to take a packed lunch to the site he is working at and it is nice to have some homemade bikkies and slice.

I’ve dragged out the recipe folder which includes all those old favourites collected over the years from magazines, friends and from Mum’s recipe book.

I’ve made things from recipes that I haven’t used in probably 15 years. They are all good, easy recipes and I wonder why I don’t do this more often.
I ironed…….lots! Now I just have to keep it under control.
I tidied the pantry……

And the top drawer of my office desk. Oh my goodness!! You should have seen it before. The number of times I’ve bought things, when I already had them hiding in the back of that drawer……and the number of old dried out pens! Hopefully I can keep it under control.

Do you notice that these are indoor things that keep you warm. Rather appropriate for this time of year.

On the sewing front I have done a bit more on Some Kind of Wonderful, but will do a separate post on that in the next few days. I’m still making slow progress.
I’ve also signed up for Chooky’s SSCS again this year. Now I just have to decide what to make when I find out who my partner is.
Friday was Daffodil Day, which coincidently marked the week that the daffodils in our garden have come out. I took a couple of quick pics before I left for work on Friday morning.

The little Jet Fires are so sweet.

The Hellebores are also looking lovely.

I love violets. It took me a while to get them going when we first moved out here, before we had many shady spots, but now we have lots.

I bought a bunch of daffodils at the supermarket for Daffodil Day. They were only just starting to open, but overnight they all woke up and are looking so cheerful in the kitchen.
So, nothing very exciting happening, but I have really enjoyed just pottering around at home. I think I might have to try and create some more home time if I can.