We took "Snubby" the sidecar to Griffith for their annual classic motorcycle rally on the Anzac long weekend. We last attended this rally in 1994, so thought, as Anzac Day fell on the Friday, we would go again.
Friday saw an early start, attending the Dawn Service with Dad at 4.30am and then home to get the bike and be on our way at 7.30am. We had a great trip down, not in any great hurry and arrived late afternoon to set up the tent.
The format was for a BBQ dinner on Friday night, a 180km run to a wier on the Murrumbidgee River near Leeton for lunch and voting for the bikes and then back to Griffith for a presentation dinner that night. There was a short run and lunch on Sunday, but we had to head home.
There were 180 bikes in the rally, ranging from a 1913 Rudge (Best of Rally) to the latest models, covering a wide range of makes and models.
The weather on the Saturday was lovely, but it was raining on Saturday morning, so we had to pack up the tent in the rain. It rained a bit on the way home, but we would have liked it to rain more to see how the sidecar will go in the wet. From about Cowra to home it blew an absolute gale. If we had been 2-up on the bike I would have been terrified, but it was OK with the sidecar. Likewise, going through some very greasy roadworks just after the water truck on the way down was much easier than just with the bike.
We were very happy with the way everything went.
The photo was taken just west of Ardlethon on Sunday morning with the rain behind us.