This post is a bit of this and that. Firstly, this is the skirt pattern I used for my blue floral skirt. I now want to make it again using a predominantly black fabric for the top section and predominantly white on the flaired section. Worn with a red top, it should look good.
For the 70's party I had grand plans for an orange tie dyed t-shirt for Mick. Here are the raw materials. When I opened the dye packaging and was able to read the instructions I discovered you need a fixative that you have to buy as well as a lot of salt. Cath called in at Spotlight on the way out the other day and they don't have any. Not very handy when you are selling the dye. Therefore, when I did the dying yesterday I just added lots and lots of salt, hoping that would work. No, after I rinsed it and gave it a hot washing machine wash, as directed, it is nearly white again. Oh well, I'll just wait until I can get some fixative and then will get more dye and have another go. He won't have a tie dye t-shirt for the party, but I still want to do it. Fortunately, he has his Goodies t-shirt which will do the trick.
I had to go into town again yesterday. I seem to be spending half my time in town. I have to go in again today to meet the lady organising the catering for Dad's party. Yesterday I picked up all the photos of Dad I had copied. Originally I planned on just having photos stuck on cardboard as a collage. However, I discovered this great frame. It came up really well and I was able to make the photos fit in OK. He is lucky to have his mother's old photo albums, so I was able to include lots of photos of his early years.
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