Chookshed Challenge 2024

Deana from Dreamworthy Quilts has kindly offered to administer a stitching challenge for the Chookshed Stitchers and anybody else who would like to join in.

Here is the information: 

If you would like to join, make a list of ten sewing related items or goals you want to work on in 2024, and post it to your blog on or before January 1st.  You can join late, but the first number will be posted January 1st.  Each month, January through October, Deana will draw a number.  That will be the number from our list we all work on together in blogland.  Blog your progress through the month to keep us all motivated.

Your list can include any sewing goal you set for yourself.  Make it reachable.  Here are some ideas:

  • finish a project (name the project)
  • work on a project (name the project)
  • make a block (name the project)
  • start a new project - can be open to any new start
Your goals can be whatever you choose. One member of the group plans to make three lists - one for sewing, one for yarn projects, and one for decluttering. 

Post a comment on Deana's blog or Chookyblue's blog if you want to join.  Deana will add links to everyone's blogs on her blog.  Feel free to add the links to your blogs as well so we can find each other.


1.    Laundry Basket Quilt 2023 Spring Mystery Quilt (progress) - Swapped with Number 3
       February - Completed        

3.    English Paper Piecing (work on any project) - Swapped with Number 1
        Laundry Basket Quilt 2023 Spring Mystery Quilt (progress) - August  - Flimsy completed in August, still need to quilt and bind.

5.    New Zealand Project (work on any New Zealand inspired project)

8.    Anni Downs 2023 Christmas Stitchery (stitch and hopefully make a small project) - October - Stitchery completed - Not going to make small project at this stage - maybe include in a quilt.


Karen's Korner said...

You have a nice list to work on during the year Good luck with it and I look forward to seeing your progress each month.

Susan Smith said...

Aha, I found your list, although later than I thought & sounds interesting. Must think about one too.