Zippy pouches are so handy, so I decided to make a couple more. I couldn't be bothered go to town, therefore I used what I had.
First, find a zip. At the blog meet here in Bathurst last year I received 3 lace zips in a little mystery parcel. Maybe a pretty, lacy pouch would be the go. Let's look for fabric.....
While rummaging through the stash I came across some other fabric.
Left overs from the cover I made for my travel journal after our trip to Western Australia.
Why not use them up......just a tad different to my original vision.
Now to find some zips.
Fancy that! Two old recycled zips. I have a box full of zippers, a few I bought but most have come from who knows where. Some from Mum, some from boxes of odds and ends I've bought over the years. Anyway, these two will do the trick.
Ta Da!
Two quick and easy zippy pouches. They look quite different to each other, with rounded corners on the one with the chunky brown zip, while I added fabric tabs to the ends of the black zip.
They will be handy for carrying some of those IT bits and bobs we seem to "need" when travelling - chargers, cables, power banks etc. My sew together bag I received in Chooky's Secret Santa Christmas Swap a couple of years ago is the best for this, but seems to be bursting at the seams, so these will help.
Also, they were free, all coming from stash. Bonus.

Cool. I use the wee zippy pouches you made for me all the time. Love em.
Nice little pouches - very "Aussie" indeed! You certainly need something to put those cords and chargers in while travelling.
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