Well, our shortened version of our big trip is now over. We arrived home late this afternoon, having covered just over 5,000 kms in 13 days, with three of those not going anywhere.
We left Rocky nice and early yesterday and travelled home via the inland route.
It wasn't long before we had crossed a range and entered the wide blue yonder.
Finally, we started to "Spotto" bottle trees and today Mick saw our first emus. We didn't get to see a boab tree - next time.
There aren't many towns out where we were. We called in at Theodore, which had a nice main street.
Most importantly, while there, we remembered to buy some Queensland ginger nuts.
They even advise that they are the Queensland version. We haven't seen that before. We'll have to keep our eye out in other states.
We drove through some craggy sandstone hills. They reminded me a bit of the Bylong Valley.
Next stop was the little town of Taroom for lunch. We liked their interesting windmill sculpture.
Fortunately, we were able to get off the road when this load went through.
We remembered this large windmill at Wandoan from our last trip up this way, nine years ago.
Our destination for the evening was Goondiwindi.
The evening light was so soft.
A bonus of our trip home was getting to catch up with Jenny "Bird on the Border", which was nice.
This morning we once again got away early for the last leg of our trip. No more photos, as there were too many bugs on the windscreen - not a problem when on the bike.
The weather continued to be nice and warm, nearly all the way home. Not what you expect for this time of year. We noticed today how very dry it is all the way down through NSW. We have only had about half our average year to date rainfall here at home.
While driving along, we made tentative arrangements for getting Snubby and the trailer home. It sounds like it won't be too much drama and shouldn't take too long.
In the mean time, we will get unpacked, catch up on the washing, water the garden, get the ute serviced and make plans to go somewhere in the caravan.......and I will double check that we have NRMA Premium Cover on the ute.
It's nice to be home.

Pleased you are home safe and enjoy a good nights sleep. ....
Sad you are home but pleased it was a save trip........ Now to plan the next adventure with the van....... Glad you got to see jenny......
Oh and we don't even have 1/4 of our annual rain fall......
Welcome home. Unlike Chooky, we had about a yaers worth of rain in one day and half the East coast was flooded and SH1 was closed.
Now you are home safe and sound you can get your breath back, and start planning your caravan trip. Thank goodness you had that extra insurance cover.
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