Um, nope! Not one! Zilch! Do blogs count? I don't think so. Let's see if I can get back on track.
Yes, nailed it.
We travelled out to Trundle for the Abba Festival at the beginning of May and had a lovely look around the town.
We travelled to Coonamble on the June Long Weekend and had a great wander around, then visiting Ponto Falls for the first time.
Locally, we had a good wander around the area on our Winter Solstice Run and then riding on the newly sealed Dog Rocks Road on our test ride with the new side car set up.
Not much - like nothing in May.
In June I started to add the binding to my drunkards path quilt and created a tiny pincushion. I still have to fill the pincushion......but firstly I have to find my walnut shells......I know I have 2 bags....somewhere. They will turn up.
I then made a quick coaster for the lolly jar and mat for my keyboard.
Not much, but better than nothing.
Not a lot in this area either. A few drawers have been sorted, winter and summer clothes changed over in the wardrobe, but no major projects at the moment.
May continued to see work in the garden, with peas and broad beans planted. I thought I may have been too late, but they have come up and are doing fine. Hopefully we will have a nice little crop in spring.
We have had some really severe frosts - one getting down to -9.5 degrees C!! The garden suffered.
Some winter cooking has happened. There is nothing better than comfort food at this time of the year.
Cycling has taken a back seat as it has been cold, the days short and we have been busy with other things. Poor excuses, but it is what it is. Once the weather warms up and the days lengthen we will be out and about again.
I have been transitioning to my three days a week at work, starting out with four days. It seems really weird not going to work for five days a week. It will take a little while to get used to. My job share partner has picked up the role well and is a delight to work with, which makes me feel very comfortable with the future.
Yes, we have spent time with good friends - doing fun things with different friends. We are so lucky to have such a great network, both locally and in other areas.
Our trips to Trundle and Coonamble were both thoroughly enjoyable. We are learning all the time and have enjoyed being able to free camp. It has certainly reinforced that the decision to join the caravanning brigade was a good one.
This is always a rather fluid category. We took time to go away and join in on fun things. We took time to have weekends just pottering around at home. The most important thing it to not feel stressed with life, so I think we have had a success here.
So there you have it...... not doing all that well this time, but that's life. There is still another six months of the year, so we will see how we go. It has certainly been an interested exercise to reflect on each month.

I think we all have those quieter times in our lives... and to be honest I think they are good.... Imagine if we went full blast all the time??? Getting out and about is as healthy as anything.... enjoy
I've just figured out why the year is flying by I think we skipped May, I don't remember it. I think reading blogs is an achievement. You've been getting some lovely trips in . Its great to hear your job partner has settled in.
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