Monday 20 September 2010

Tottenham Part 2 – Far Cairn Rally.

After our little detour to the Trash and  Treasure we kept on our merry way to Tottenham.  We were lucky with the weather, after another wet week, but we saw very little sun.

What we did see were lovely paddocks of wheat and canola. They were so tall and lush after the miserable, stunted crops of the last few years.

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We stopped for morning tea in Parkes at the park.


Before travelling through Bogan Gate.

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There was water over the road at some places. This one was a little deeper than it looked and just moments after this photo I was drenched.  THE CAMERA WAS ALSO DRENCHED. I dried it out as best I could and put up with the wet lap…just as well my jeans were a dark colour or it would have looked like I’d had a little accident.

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Once we arrived in Tottenham we caught up with our other friends from Bathurst and set up camp.  The showground was a picture with manicured lawns and excellent amenities…very civilized for a rally…. and  very different from the last couple of rallies when it was so terribly dry.

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Then it was back to town where we had a lovely lunch in the one and only cafe.


The rally is called the “Far Cairn Rally”, as Tottenham is the closest town to the Geographical Centre of New South Wales.  The cairn is actually about 40kms out of town and Mick and I weren’t going to come all this way without seeing it.  We were a bit iffy about the dirt road, with all the rain they’d had, but it was excellent.

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When we reached the cairn we were the only two there, so we played with the cameras.

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We’d seen quite a few wild flowers on our way up, and to my delight, there were lots around the cairn.  We’d seen drifts of these little white flowers.

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When you get up close, they are the most delicate paper daisy.

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I don’t know what this bush was, but it was covered in little red flowers.

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And of course these delicate little blue star flowers are always pretty.

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Purple daisies growing wild, the same ones you can buy from your garden centre.

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This everlasting daisy was beautiful and stood nearly three feet high.

Tottenham Weekend September 2010 045  Just gorgeous.

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We then stopped for a photo opportunity at a creek.  The reflections were stunning.  I was disappointed that all my photos turned out cloudy.  There must have been a bit of residual moisture in my camera, which fogged up the lens. Fortunately, it seems to have cleared again now.

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Back at the rally we had a pleasant evening sitting  around the fire.  Apparently the rally was smaller this year due to two other rallies being held on the same weekend, which was a pity, as this rally is a major fund raiser for assisting motorcycle accident victims.

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Sunday was just a leisurely trip back home.

It was a great weekend away and we hope to make it out there again next year.  Now it is back to work for another week.




Kate said...

Glad you enjoyed your weekend in Tottenham (that's where I grew up!). It is a lovely place, and it is nice to see the town and area from someone elses perspective.
What a find at the markets - I was gobsmacked.

Chookyblue...... said...

love all your pics.........the country side is many flowers around........

Anonymous said...

Great pic Janice... Look at that "wild" bunch.
Glad the camera survived the water.