Mid February I made a little follow up call, only to be advised there are still none in the country, but would I like to borrow hers for the weekend. This kind offer was gratefully accepted and I traced what I needed. What a difference it makes working on a horizontal surface. No, my fine brown pigma pen is not running out as I had thought. Light box, please hurry up and arrive.
Well, today the latest Verandah Views block was released and I wanted to trace it straight away, but didn't want to go back to the window option......so..... a little Aussie ingenuity came into play.
An old towel, 2 bricks, a sheet of glass I found in Mick's shed and our camping light and ta da!! Meet my new (but temporary) light box.
Now to the dust storm. We only rarely get dust storms, but there was a beauty yesterday. The wind blew all day from the west, not really strong, but constant and this is what our place looked like yesterday afternoon. (That's our house tucked away down in the hollow.) Normally you look onto the western side of the blue mountains, but not yesterday.
Mick is working this weekend, which is a pity, but this afternoon I hope to get a bit of sewing done. That was also the plan yesterday, but you know how it is, I got sidetracked :o)
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