Yesterday started a little differently to others in that there was a little cloud in the morning, but it soon cleared.
Mick headed off at about 7 o’clock to drive to the canyon to do the Rim Walk before it got too hot.
Looking down over the first section of the steep stairs. By the time you climb the 500 steps you have ascended over 100 metres.
I’ll just share a random selection of photos that Mick took on his walk. Firstly, the north rim.
A feature of the walk is the section known as “The Garden of Eden”.
It is accessed by a set of stairs and bridge.
Mick was fortunate enough to have the whole section to himself for about half an hour - apparently just him and one mosquito. He enjoyed soaking up the atmosphere while having a snack.
The final section is the south rim.
He enjoyed sitting on the rock under this tree for a little while.
And the final set of stairs back to the car park. He completed the walk in an extremely leisurely way in four hours. It could be done much quicker, but he enjoyed soaking up the views.
Meanwhile, back at the camp…. I had a very lazy start to the day.
I saw a dingo. We had been told that there are dingos in the area, just don’t approach them, feed them or leave anything around your camp site. They apparently not only take food, but shoes and clothes off lines. We were even given a leaflet on them when we checked in. This one was hanging around the amenities block and looked very healthy.
No photos but I stitched another hexy flower. I’m not really happy with my stitching, as I usually use a magnifier at home and don’t have one here. I’m probably just being anal, but put it aside to consider on another occasion. I then got out my black and white HST leader and enders and trimmed some down to size before my back started to feel it, as I was working outside on a lowish table. Then I pulled out a little cross stitch I brought with me a did a bit on that. No major progress on anything, but at least a little bit done.
After Mick returned and we had lunch we just sat and chatted with our neighbours all afternoon, She had also done the walk in the morning. It was a nice relaxing way to while away the time. I think we are finally starting to wind down into holiday mode.
The obligatory sunset photo was taken, this time with the van included.
Followed by us going out to dinner at the Bar and Grill on site for delicious pizza. The same fellow that was playing music at the sunset bar was playing in the bar during the evening, creating a nice atmosphere.
After we had finished eating, a lady came up to Mick and asked if he was from Bathurst, and then asked if he was Mick. Well, he didn’t initially recognise her, but it was an engineer he had worked with about 30 years ago. She now lives in Melbourne and still recognised Mick after all that time. It was lovely to catch up with her, as they had a really good working relationship all those years ago. You can’t go missing, can you.
The highlight for the day for Mick was sitting quietly in the Garden of Eden and catching up with an old colleague and for me sitting quietly and doing some stitching.

A beautiful spot.....
Any progress is good, even if it is small. Have you tried a pair of those cheap readers over your specs? The way I do on zoom. I find that helps a lot with my stitching. Portable too and they wouldn't take up too much room in the van.
Those stairs look daunting. Some great photos taken. Are they cycads that I see at the base of those steps? Not vegetation that you would expect to see in the part of the world. You cannot go anywhere and not meet up with someone that you know. It is definitely a small world.
super gorgeous photos and lovely lovely landscape...gee isn't that the second time someone has recognized him??? what a hoot!
I remember Kings Canyon, such amazing views. We didn't do the Canyon Rim walk though, that was for the young and fit ones in our group, but were taken on a more easy walk to check out the trees and plant life. Good on Mick for doing the walk.
Great posts Janice, don't blame you for not doing the walk, but good that Mick did and you could see his photos, amazing scenery, and fantastic photos.
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