I started The Modern HST Sampler hosted by Alyce from Blossom Heart Quilts back in January 2016.
I did well for quite a while and then life got in the way and the wheels fell off......until November 2017, when I got started again.
I was determined to get it finished. I had the top completed early last month and my OMG goal for February was to get the binding on.
Ta Da!! I did it. Happy dance!
The backing is primarily the light blue floral, but with a pieced strip from offcuts down the centre. My friend Val did the quilting. It is a nice, soft design.
I had to do the bed test. Yep, that test passed as well. I am always amazed at how a different quilt on the bed changes the whole look of the room. I think this will be a summer quilt, as it looks quite cool.
I'm happy to say that my February OMG was completed on time, I have ticked off another UFO from my list, I improved my HST block skills and that all the fabric in the quilt was from stash. You have to be happy with that.

I'm linking with Elm Street Quilts.
What a great quilt! Love it!
Hi Janice wow this quilt looks amazing on your bed,beautiful finish my friend xx
looks like my bed is all ready for me to come and stay..........and my favourite colour too..........I LOVE that quilt...........better bring it for show and tell at Scrub Stitchin'........
This is really cool in such a limited colour palette. I must try cutting down on rainbows as this is so much more sophisticated!
Oh Janice, congratulations, your quilt is just beautiful... I hope you're happy with your results after getting it out again to finish! Woo Hoo♥
The quilt is just beautiful! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.
Gorgeous! A big finish always gives you a HUGE sense of accomplishment! Enjoy it on the bed.
So pretty, and you are right, it is a lovely cool looking summer quilt. Congratulations on such a wonderful finish.
Oh wow, it really is beautiful and I love the colours set like that....well done on a gorgeous finish...
Very pretty - and definitely "cool" looking.
So very pretty. Looks wonderful on the bed and it does look nice and cool. Well done x
A very beautiful finish! Congrats on completing your February OMG.
Oh Janis its beautiful and looks very nice on that bed.
Love the quilt made on my favorite colour combination...Well done on your finish.
Looks fabulous on the bed.. It would be nice as a winter quilt too as its light and cheery..
Beautiful. Wow I love it, what a great finish. You're right, it does look like a summer quilt.
Oh wow, it is sooooo pretty!!! Well done! xx
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