Sunday 30 June 2024

Stitching Wrap up for June

With our trip away, June was another month that had my goals go out the window.

There was no One Monthly Goal.

The Chookshed Stitchers’ Challenge was to make a donation quilt using some left over koala fabric.  That didn’t happen.  It will still be there for another time.

So, what did I do?
I took a bit of stitching away with me and after having completed the redwork stitchery, I pulled out the little Santa counted cross stitch.  A couple of needles full were worked each day……until I discovered that I can’t count. I’d fudged a little bit that I realised wasn’t quite right, but then I worked out that I had stuffed up some counting right at the start, when I was at my stitching morning. (Yes, I know that cross stitch is not something to take to a stitch and chat morning.). Anyway, it looked like Santa would end up with next to no moustache and would look decidedly odd, so I abandoned that project.  I may get out some more fabric and start again, as he is rather cute.  That is a job for another day.
I still had my sampler stitchery to work on, so made a start while sitting waiting for a race to start.  Yep, it was cold, despite supposedly being summer.
I got a little bit done while over there.  However, the last row of the alphabet in the above photo was completed after we returned home.

And that is all I did while we were away.  I was a little disheartened after the cross stitch fail, we were doing other things and then we got COVID (not what we wanted on our holiday), so my 15 minutes a day had a little holiday. 

Since we returned home I have been rather slow in getting back into the groove, initially just fiddling around with bits and pieces.
What I did do, was make the split nine patches for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge in pink for May and blue for June.
Then I made a hexy flower in blue for June.
Finally, today, I have completed the fish blocks for May and June, in pink and blue.

I’m happy to at least have the Rainbow Scrap Challenge up to date.  I’m linking up over at So Scrappy.

I haven’t made any progress on the batik fish, but they will still be there for later.
I eventually picked up my knitting and have progressed the lace yoke.  This is being done nice and slowly in the quiet, so that I can concentrate on the pattern.  I still have another ten rows of the lace to go, before things start to get a little simpler.
So, how did I go with my 15 minutes a day for the month?

June = 15/30
Year to date = 166/182
Success Rate = 91.21%. It’s looking a little sad, compared to previous months, but this is not a job, just a bit of fun.  I’m linking up over at Life in Pieces. 

This was a very lean month on the stitching front, but at least I have something to show for it.


Jennifer said... had an excuse for not quite keeping up to your 15 minute a day goal, after all. At least you managed to get some stitching done!

ButterZ said...

It does look a bit cold. You were there on a holiday not to keep on top of your sewing. I loved seeing your photos so I’m sure you enjoyed being there. Good you have done a little bit of sewing since being home. Take your time.

loulee said...

Away on your trip and a dose of COVID is a great excuse for not doing your usual amount, but at least you did something. Every stitch counts.

dq said...

Over 90% is still exceptional! We need to have a life outside of sewing, and you clearly do.
Love the orange bodied fish. It is fun to find fishy textures for our fish. I didn't get my blue June ones done yet.

Sorry you got Covid, but I'm betting it was worth the trip.

Susan said...

As everyone else has said - you cant travel, get sick and still sew lots It's a shame about Santa - but much easier to just start over...unpicking cross stitch is painfully slow!

you could try grinding your piece...or just do it at home of course.

Susan said...

PS:: your fish look terrific