Monday 1 April 2024

Final March Wrap Up of Goals

 I enjoy looking back over the last month and seeing what I managed to do.

My One Monthly Goal was to complete the Moda Love quilt from Scrub Stitchin’ last year, which was done at the last minute.

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge colour was purple, so I made my split nine patch blocks.

Then it was time for the purple fish.

At the same time I prepped my first blocks for the batik fish quilt I am making as well.

The Chookshed Challenge was number 4 and for me a panel quilt.

My knitting or crochet project continued to be the Spiked Granny Square rug.  I completed the coloured section of the 30 squares and then added the final cream round.  That was as far as I thought I would get, but in the end, on the final day of the month I wove in all the loose cream ends.  The squares are now ready to join together, which I am looking forward to doing.

Now to my other stitching goals:

WORK ON A DONATION PROJECT - That is the Teddy Bear Panel Quilt.

USE MONIQUE - Yep, three quilts, which I am pretty happy about.

WORK ON A WIP - Yes, the appliqué on the final border of my blue quilt is done.

WORK ON A UFO - Yes, Moda Love and the Twister Quilt were both completed.

DO SOME HAND STITCHING - There was lots - the appliqué border, hand stitching down two quilt bindings and making this cute little EPP pincushion.

FINISH SOMETHING - There were four finishes, three quilts and the pincushion.

I'm not participating in PHD, but am pleased to report that I have now completed five UFOs for the year and that other than the ongoing fish quilts, everything I have started this year has been finished.  Fingers crossed I can keep on this trajectory.

15 MINUTES A DAY - Yes, I managed to work on something for at least 15 minutes every day of the month.

March = 31/31

Year to date = 91/91

Success rate = 100%

I’m going to link up over at Life in Pieces.

Now to the other goals for the month:

READ A BOOK - I have already told you about three books I read, but at the last minute I listened to an audio book. This is the fourth book in the Thursday Murder Club series and I really enjoy them, especially as an audio book.  I do hope there continues to me more in this series. Not only do I binge read, I also binge listen.  I started it half way through the binding of the Moda Love quilt and wish I had started it earlier, as it really makes the binding go much quicker.  It is while listening to the book that I ended up weaving in the ends of the crochet squares.  

TRY A NEW RECIPE - Yes, the zucchini chips.

GO AWAY WITH THE CARAVAN - No.  Our new little truck has not arrived yet, but I’m crossing everything that it will be here this week, so we can take it to Baradine for its maiden voyage.

HAVE A FUN DAY OUT - Yes, there were a few of these, which we always enjoy.

I have removed a motorcycle ride from my monthly goals, as they just weren’t happening, but that was a bonus for the month, despite our little incident.

It has been a good month and now I am looking forward to the next one.


Maria said...

Oh My Goodness! you had a fabulous month with all your beautiful finishes.
Lovely pile of crocheted squares and Fish Blocks..

Fiona said...

A successful month I would say....

Chookyblue...... said...

I agree with Fiona......