It's a new month, so time to set a new list of goals. A big, long list may look like I'm turning this into a chore, but it is the opposite. I find it is too easy to achieve nothing and miss the opportunity to have fun and look back at progress, however little. I'm doing much more now and that makes me feel so good.
Here goes.

I'm enjoying playing with my new Trail Mix Quilt. I had originally thought I'd use it as a leader and ender and make twelve blocks each month. Well, I think I want to get stuck into it. After working on quilts where every block is different and sometimes challenging (which I'm really loving), it is nice to do some simple, repetitive stitching.
Therefore, my goal this month is to make sixty blocks, which is five rows, which will have the quilt half done. Now, I do need to say that I have already made a decent start on this during a Zoom stitching party on Saturday, but still have quite a lot to make. If I end up making more it will be a bonus.
There will be another four blocks released this month and I hope to keep up to date. We are now over half way there, which is exciting.
The colour for the month is purple. I will make my pineapple block in pretty 30s reproduction fabrics and also my drunkard path blocks.

I had to have quite a think about what to work on this month. Most of the obvious UFOs have now been completed. The ones remaining are mostly from the very dim past, and are UFOs for a reason, or do still entail quite a bit of work, which I am not in the mood for just now. I'll get around to them one day. The project I decided to work on has decided to play hide and seek. While searching through boxes I found an abandoned project I had quite forgotten about.
I started making this bag a long time ago. I know I did blog about it at the time. The pattern has vertical strips with an uneven top border. I was going famously until I had it turned inside out to box out the base. It was the first bag I have ever cut the corners out of before stitching. You can imagine my dismay when I turned it right way out and found I had boxed the top of the bag! Not happy Jan!
Despite being told it would still look fine, I put it away in disgust. I had considered turning it into something else, but it never eventuated.
Guess what, it doesn't look too bad, even though it isn't nearly as nice as was planned, so I'm going to finish it just as it is. Finished is better than perfect, right?

The grand plan is that my UFO bag will also be my OPAM for the month.
This month I've dug out a pre-printed Christmas bunting panel I bought quite some years ago and never got around to making. (I seem to have lots of such projects - more unstarted objects that unfinished objects). Hopefully, it will be a fairly quick and easy make.
This is a little challenge Lou and I have going, although she has had to take a short break.
I've only participated in this fun evening since the start of this year, as we generally watch TV on that night. However, it is nice to join in with everyone else and enjoy some stitching.
I really do need to get this finished. Surely I can get it done this month. Otherwise it will be summer before it is completed.
Now for the non stitching goals.
As usual, who knows what it may be, but I will endeavour to read something.
This is always fun. The extra challenge I'm giving myself this time is to try something that isn't baking. We will continue to bake, as we are really enjoying that, but I need to try some other recipes.
We did walk last month, but not as much as I would have liked. Winter does that to you. Hopefully, as the weather starts to warm up and the days get a little longer we will get our more often.
I do hope we can achieve this goal. The group we ride with are supposed to be going out on Saturday, but it is forecast to be wet, so that doesn't sound promising. We'll see what their ride later in the month is like, or we will just have to head out ourselves. Fingers crossed for some nice weather.
I'd like to say we will have a weekend away, but realistically, who knows at this stage of the game. If things stay the same as they currently are in NSW, it may be possible, but the situation can change rather quickly. If we do get away, we have a sort of plan, which involves a relatively small town and keeping pretty much to ourselves and preparing all our own meals. That doesn't boost their local economy, but keeps everyone safe. Watch this space.
You are going to be busy! I don't know if making the "I want to do list" is helpful for me or not, still making the list so I'll see.
Stay safe-have fun and stitch on!
It was good seeing you on Saturday (well Friday night for me!)
It always seems that you set hugh goals, but you always achieve them.
My tube has arrived, I can begin the catch up!! It is way brighter than the old one.
Lists are the best, you can tick things off as they are done.... you have a goodly list there. I like your upside down bag... it will work just fine....
Happy sewing, reading, travelling, cooking etc...
I like your upside down bag too, and if we didn't see the pattern who would know?? Lots to look forward to seeing this month, old projects and new.
Lots of goals this month but I’m sure with a little discipline you’ll achieve lots...
See you this coming Friday for FNwF...xox
Its always interesting to read about your monthly goals. You will have plenty to keep you busy and creative. The non quilty ones too, baking, reading, trips away. I like to try new recipes too from time to time, not all are successful but at least I tried!
Great goals. I like the Trail Mix blocks, and have scraps I could do that, too. Thanks for the inspiration. Best of luck on all your goals this month.
Your list looks great, look forward to seeing what you achieve. I do make lists, and don't always get things crossed off, so wondering if I should not attempt to do so much??
Nice blocks. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.
I love that your monthly goals include personal, non quilty things like going for walks and a motorcycle ride! You have many worthy goals for certain! Good luck with them all!
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