Monday, 17 February 2025

Another Finish for the Month

In among everything else that has been going on this month, I have enjoyed just sitting and knitting.

As a result, I now have another nice warm scarf for the winter months.  

This is the third version of this pattern that I have made and I use the other two in high rotation during the colder weather.

I purchased the wool last July, but was rather engrossed with hexies at the time, so didn’t get around to starting it then.  The colour for this version was chosen to be close to a fabric scarf that I wear lots.  I don’t think I need to make any more now.


cityquilter grace said...

very nice scarf....

Jennifer said...

Love your scarf....and love the jumper too! Just my colours!

Maria said...

Great finish and it’s a lovely colour .

Ma Betty said...

You mean it was actually cool enough to even think about putting on a jumper and scarf?

loulee said...

Just because you don't need any doesn't mean.......LOL It looks good.

Lin said...

Lovely finish - great colours. xx

Karen's Korner said...

The way the nights and mornings are cooling down you will soon be wearing it. A good length with a nice drape.

Jenny said...

Dont you look lovely in your new scarf!

Jenny of Elefantz said...

Your scarf is gorgeous! It reminds me of one I saw in (I think) Homespun last year? I have it somewhere, and I also bought yarn toi make it, which I shall do this winter. :-)

Narelle said...

Beautiful Autumn colours in your scarf ... perfect for winter xx

Susan Smith said...

Oooh.........very nice & I love variegated wool. Will be great for winter in a few months. Take care & hugs.

Barwitzki said...

You knitted a beautiful scarf. It is definitely very comfortable to wear.
The colors of the wool are very beautiful.
Many greetings to you from Viola

Fiona said...

lovely scarf, with all the colours in it it will be very versatile...

Michelle Ridgway said...

Beautiful scarf and it looks so pretty with your mustard top x

ButterZ said...

That’s a great style scarf. The colours will match a lot of outfits. Beautiful