Tuesday 15 October 2024

Ticking Some Boxes

As we are now half way through the month it is time to show what I have been up to.


My goal was to complete the Sashiko table runner.  

I am happy to report that it is completed.

You may notice that the dragonfly and flower panels have not been included.  They didn’t fit very well.  I then thought to make them into coasters, but they still don’t fit as well as I’d like.  I’m still pondering on how I will use them, but for now, I consider this goal to be ticked off the list.


The next goal to tick off the list was to complete the Anni Downs Christmas redwork stitchery.

Ta da!

This was completed on Sunday.  I did quite a bit while watching the Bathurst 1000 car race on the tele.

It’s funny watching the big race on the tele when you can see Mount Panorama out the window, especially when the F35 fighter jet is doing its fly overs.

There was a short Chookshed Zoom session late that afternoon, so I finished the stitchery while chatting away to the girls.

The other stitching update I have to share is the progress on my hexy flowers.

These thirty blocks are completed.  I’m really happy with how they are looking and now see that I have to add more mid greys to the mix.

I’ve been making more flowers from the scraps that came to our patchwork group and today had a big effort as I collected all the flowers I had completed and the backgrounds that had been cut and removed papers and glue basted ready to appliqué them all down.   There is an uneven range of colours here, but that will all come out in the wash as I make the remaining blocks.  It also reinforces the need for more mid grey backgrounds.  Don’t worry, I have plenty in the stash to work with.  Once these are appliquéd, I will have 57 blocks completed.  That is just over half way.  Happy dance!…….But there is still a long way to go. I can cut quite a few more hexies from the scrap bag fabrics, which is a good thing.  I’m also starting to cut some of the big 2 inch hexies. Before I can progress, I need to stitch another block so that I can reuse the templates I have cut out.

Now, for progress on Monique.  The new tension unit turned up.  However, after installation things were still pretty much the same.  To get the tension right (the bottom tension is too tight),  the top tension was so tight it was unravelling the thread.  Oh well, it isn’t a bad thing to have the newer version installed.  We then started to play with the bobbin tension, although it was acting like it should.  We backed it way off and the bobbin thread was still reading as a bit too tight.  We were getting the tension pretty good, but still not quite right and are starting to wonder if the spring in the bobbin case may be the issue.  I then tried using a pre wound bobbin, that doesn’t require the spring, and it is pretty good.  I’m even game enough to have another go at quilting the quilt, rather than just on some scrap fabric. We will try a new bobbin spring soon to see if that makes a difference.  Wish me luck.

In other happenings, Mick participated in a “Rookies Pairs” bowls comp up at Orange. It was on an artificial surface, which they aren’t use to, so took a while to settle in.  They lost their first two games, while winning their last, or as one fellow said “they had one first and two seconds.”  He still had a great day and is enjoying getting more experience and meeting other bowlers.

Our garden is providing a few pops of colour.  Another lovely iris has bloomed.

The bees are loving our edging of ajuga.

We had our first thunder storm of the season last night, giving 10mm of rain.  There were some interesting clouds in the lead up.

Yesterday we spied three little baby blue wrens.  They were all bunched up together in the crepe myrtle, not far from their nest in our back yard.  By the time I fetched my phone, one had moved away.  They are so sweet.  In addition to these, we think there are two more nests in the front yard, in a couple of bottle brushes.  They are rather prolific breeders, often having two lots of babies during the warmer half of the year.  We always enjoy watching these busy little birds flitting around the garden.

And that about wraps up what we have been up to.  This coming week I do hope to have at least one quilt completed (fingers and toes crossed) and maybe even start on my fish blocks (fingers and toes crossed on that one too).


kiwikid said...

I don't think you will get much done with all your fingers and toes crossed Janice!! Lol!! Well done on meeting your challenge, the table runner looks wonderful. Very pretty stitchery too. Loving all your hexies, I hope Monique behaves and quilts beautifully for you. Good to see Mick enjoyed his bowls. Lovely flowers in your garden - always great to see the baby birds.

Lin said...

Your sashiko runner is lovely, great finish and the redwork looks great too. Lovely hexies and always nice to see pictures of someone else's garden and wildlife. xx