The month of June seems to have flown and I seem to have achieved more that expected.
Let’ see how I went with my goals…..
I set a rather modest goal this time, to make eleven churn dash blocks for the stitch along, but with the wish to make more.
I smashed that goal, having completed the forty one blocks required for the quilt by the eleven of the month.
Now I have a decision to make. Do I wait until October to put the quilt top together (and hopefully return from our trip in time to do that), or cut the sashing and take it all with me and use the bed in the caravan to do the layout and hopefully find time to stitch it together. Decisions, decisions. I have a week to work that out.
I really did get organised this month. These were finished by the 4th.
It is purple next month. I’d better get my act together and get them made in the next few days.
No stitching finishes this time.
But I did make my beanie. That definitely counts.
Yes, I did join in and got quite a bit of my churn dash stitching done.
I made a comment that I didn’t expect to get anything done on my blue quilt, but I made a liar out of myself. I now have a nice little collection of pieces cut out to make the hexy flowers and the next EPP border, That should keep me amused while we are away. It would be nice to have them all sewn, but I won’t hold my breath.
I then got my act together, and all my blue fabrics out, and now have the appliqué papers fused to the fabrics. I still need to cut them out properly and fuse them to their backgrounds. I was hoping to take the blocks with me, so that I can do the little bits of embroidery, but I will need to do the machine blanket stitch first, and I can’t really see that happening, but you never know, I may get a couple of blocks ready.
Yes, I read a very lighthearted book that I borrowed from the sitting room at Mum’s nursing home. The SingLe Ladies of Jacaranda Retirement Village. Just the easy read I needed for this month, as I wasn’t in the mood for anything that needed much concentration.
Funnily enough, we had a few fun days and none fell on a Friday. We were supposed to go the craft show on the Friday, but it ended up being on the Saturday.
Firstly, we had the cracker night at Portland.
Then our steam train ride.
Then the craft show.
And finally our motorcycle ride.
Not a bad effort.
It often seems that trying a new recipe isn’t planned, but just seems to happen. I had some chicken breasts and was undecided what to make, so had a little browse in a couple of recipe books. I ended up making a Cassoulet. Not a true version, but it was still very tasty. It reminded me of the first one I tried, in the medieval town of Carcassonne in France in 2007. It was one of the few meals that I remember from that trip, so it must have been good.
Add into this, I had my farewell lunch at work, although my last day will be 1 July. Getting the End of Financial Year out of the way will be my last task. It was lovely to have just about all the staff from work there and even to get a group photo. I can’t believe I have worked with the firm for just over 20 years.
It is now time to look forward to a new chapter of my life. Rather exciting, but I will miss this bunch of people.
Wow! What a busy month. Now wonder it seemed to fly by.

Congratulations on your retirement Janis I'm sure lots of exciting moments are ahead. You have been so busy with all the blocks and I love the beanie, could have done with one of those last weekend in Glen Innes.
a chock full post! first congrats on your retirement and exciting future plans. love the churn dash blocks and anxious to see layout. more fun travel pix and some guilt as i am stalling on 'make it blue' with 'alaska' must come before that. it sure seems as tho you have not one dull or idle moment in your days!
Your long awaited retirement has finally arrived. Now the really busy part of your life can begin, and Mick might actually retire too. LOL
You were the achiever of the month I think.
You sure did well with all your achievements this month…
Yes take the Churns with you and if you don’t get to do it doesn’t matter but you’d be annoyed if you could have! 🤔
Well dissevered retirement after 20 years. Great photo to treasure…
Oh Janice you are always so busy. I love that title of book. We have a Jacaranda Village Retirement homes here in Mildura. Good luck with your retirement
I'm looking forward to seeing all of your churn dash blocks. How great to get them all made so quickly! Did you decide to take them or wait until later?
I really like your butterfly and 9-patch with the 1930s prints.
Congratulations on your retirement
You did have a busy month. Happy retirement. Hugs,
How exciting, a brand new chapter of your life waiting for you. And what better way 5o celebrate than a 3 month van trip!
It has been a busy month and you have done heaps....all the best for the next wonderful time of life....
That's a really love group photo. Hope your last day goes well although I'm sure it'll be a little bit teary when you leave for the last time. You've done so well with your sewing this month. Can't believe you've made all of your churn dash blocks!!
Congratulations. Wonderful achievement. Enjoy your retirement and I'll look forward to seeing your adventures. I adore the blue's you've used too.
I can't believe you did all this in one month! You don't waste a minute, do you?
Congrats on getting to all your goals--and congrats on your retirement!!
Congrats on your retirement. Life will be different for sure, and I look forward to reading of your travels to come.
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