Since we moved to our new house any crafting has taken a back seat. We were doing other things, or there was just no motivation.
Finally, I have finished something. Mind you, this had become more of a UFO that a WIP.
Back on the last weekend in May last year - yes, one year ago this week - we attended the Wool Muster held here in Bathurst and I purchased some rather lovely wool........just because it was pretty.
I started knitting it into a cowl, using a very simple 4/4 rib, so that the wool would be the feature, but got distracted before it was finished.....Very short attention span.
I finished knitting it last year and all it needed was to have the ends sewn together.
Since Christmas it has been hiding in the lovely knitting bag that Oddsbjorg sent to me in the Secret Santa Christmas Swap.
The weather has now turned cold, so it was time to finish it off. It must have taken me all of about 15 minutes. Huge job.
I gave it its maiden outing on Sunday and it did the trick. I can see me wearing it lots, now that it is finished.

Hi Janice,i love it,looks very warm and love the colours,glad you fnished it,lol,i am the same with some things i think why didnt i finish it,keep warm my friend,we had the biggest frost here this morning and its still frosty xx
I often stall at that last little bit too. A lovely warm finish that you'll really use in this weather!
Well done Janice it looks great 😍😍😍
Your cowl is just gorgeous.... enjoy wearing it...
Lovely scarf.....
That scarf will be getting lots of use on these cold mornings! and lots of compliments too I bet.
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