Wednesday 31 July 2024

Wrapping Up July

It’s time to have a look at what else I managed to get up to during the month of July.

I seem to have been a bit lost with my stitching since coming home from Scrub Stitchin’, back in April.  No real direction and not a great deal of inclination.  Add to that, two trips away and not a great deal has been achieved.  Also, as usual, when my sewing room gets in a mess I feel somewhat overwhelmed by it all, and don’t know where to start.

When looking back at my goals for the month I did so, so.  Some things were a fail, while others were above expectations.

You can see here that my Rainbow Scrap Challenge and One Monthly Goal were both achieved.

I had mentioned that I would be taking my blue stitchery sampler away with me.  I didn’t do any while travelling, but have added a few stitches since we returned home.  I’m not worried, as this is just a little something to work on every now and then.  There is no pressure.

I haven’t touched my knitting.  I have to be in the mood to sit quietly and concentrate for the lace pattern.

I said that my Batik Fish would have to wait until our return.  Well, as we returned a little earlier than expected, that gave me time to devote to them.  On Sunday I traced out May, June and July, as well as made up another two blocks to kind of represent a snapper.

On Monday I selected fabrics and fused the eight blocks down, ready to stitch.

Yesterday, I got stuck in and stitched all of them.  In addition, I hadn’t stitched the eyes on the previous twelve blocks, so I finished them off too.

You will notice that one fish is swimming the wrong way.

There’s always one rebel, isn’t there.  These two blocks were supposed to be the same as the top one.  However, some silly billy traced one back to front.  Not to worry…….until I realised that I had somehow managed to actually trace the head the right way around and it now wouldn’t fit.  Doh!  Fortunately, I had cut this one out first and was able to do a head transplant, and fortunately, the colours still worked.  I had only rough cut out the other head, so I was able to have a fiddle and redesign it to use the fabric.  It turned out surprisingly well and now looks to be a rather happy fish.  I’m amazed how different they now look, just from that one modification.

Here are the first twenty blocks.  I’m so very pleased with how they are turning out.  It is such a good feeling to be back up to date.  I have another sixteen to make to achieve the size that I want.  They look so very different to the bright version I am making. It’s been great fun making use of the various design elements in the batik fabrics.

The other thing that I have worked on is the little Natalie Bird pincushion that I started while overseas, by stitching the little saying. 

One side consists of a panel of half inch hexagons.  The other day I cut them out of tiny scraps that any sane person would throw away and today stitched them together.  

I think my stitchery looks a bit chunky stitched in two strands, so will probably redo it in one strand.  It is only tiny, so won’t take too long.  The other two sides of the pincushion consist of a small house applique and a feature fabric.  I’m looking forward to working more on this, as it is a pattern I have been wanting to make for many years.

As expected, I didn’t use Monique and didn’t work on any donation projects, other than the Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks.

Surprisingly, I didn’t even read a book.  I thought I may do that while away.

Finally, I’d better report in on my 15 Minutes a Day.  For most of the month I just did a the bare minimum each day, and on some days didn’t do anything.  Hopefully, that will change now that I am back home.

July = 26/31

Year to Date = 192/213

Success Rate = 90.14%

I’m lagging a bit behind last year’s rate of 93.42%, so had better lift my game.  No pressure on myself.  LOL

I’m linking up over at Life in Pieces.

So, that wraps up July.  Hopefully, we will be at home during the next month.  My sewing room is still an absolute mess, but in the last few days I seem to have found some of my stitching enthusiasm.  I’m looking forward to deciding what to work on in August.


  1. Considering your travels, I think you did well. The fish look so good…despite the rebel!
    Love the pincushion….

  2. You had a good month even though you were away. Those fish look fantastic.

  3. love those fish! it's good to have one surprise block...and your tiny hexies are adorable...a very cute least you have good excuses for a bit lax in progress...

  4. I think you've done really well along with the other tings that happened for you in July. Those fish are certainly a fun lot & the pincushion is going to be a cutie. Happy August, take care & hugs. Oh!......And I just remembered, we used to celebrate 1st August (when I was a child------long time ago)with Wattle day & horses' birthday. Pity those things are no more.

  5. You did well since you have been gadding about.... I love that pincushion - I have one .... I love the fish going the wrong way - we should not be afraid to go in our own direction should we?

  6. Love all your fish and it is good having one going the wrong way, makes it an individual!! Or maybe the others are all going the wrong way?? I think you need a bit of a rest after the intense sewing of Baradine, you still seem to get a lot done! That pincushion is very cute!

  7. The fish are the best. Why didn't I think to do a yellow/gold color behind the black eyes. It is a perfect color!

  8. Lucky your head transplant worked out ok. I think it is brilliant that one fish is swimming is own direction. He adds interest to the quilt. I might just have to do that with mine.

  9. Your fish look fantastic and the one facing the other direction was meant to be ... love it!

  10. Love all your Batik fish and the rebel looks great in the mix.
