Thursday 1 August 2024

My Goals For August and Stitching Road Blocks

With the prospect of being at home a bit more this month I feel a greater enthusiasm for setting some goals and achieving them.  Despite it still being a mess, I’m looking forward to playing in the sewing room, and as the weather will hopefully provide a little more warmth towards the end of the month, I hope to be able to sit outside with some hand stitching or knitting.  We’ll see.

So, to start, here are my stitching goals.


Once again, these goals will be combined.  Deana has selected the number 3, which is “Laundry Basket Quilts 2023 Spring Mystery Quilt - Progress”.  I’m quite happy for this one to pop up, as it was originally to be my goal last month, but wasn’t portable, so swapped with the EPP hexies.

I am up to the stage of preparing the final border, after a big effort at Scrub Stitchin’ to get all the applique stitched and the four quadrants joined together.  I am planning on making the border from half square triangles.  I have to work out the maths to see what size I will do and if a narrow border is also required. This is a quilt I have enjoyed making and would like to get finished.  Whether it will get quilted this month, who knows.  

My goal is to complete the quilt top.  Anything more is a bonus.

Pop over to Stories From the Sewing Room and Dreamworthy Quilts to see what the others have selected for August.


The nominated colour this month is orange.  I will make my usual split nine patches, as well as a hexy flower.  I’m not quite sure what I will do with my fish this month.  You see, I already have a few orange fish and September’s fish is a set of tropical fish.  I would really like to do one of those in orange.  So, do I just make two fish this month with orange accents, or wait until next month and swap the colours over?  I’m kind of leaning towards the latter. 


I will definitely be making my two batik fish, and possibly a couple of extras.


I really hope to get my stats up a bit in August.  My newfound enthusiasm should help here.

My other stitching goals are:

  • Work on a donation project - Half Square Triangle Baby Quilt
  • Use Monique - I really want to get the little Half Square Triangle Baby Quilt done.  This was supposed to happen in May.
  • Knit or crochet something - I would like to finally make a little progress on my plum jumper and my crochet rug.
  • Work on a WIP - that is my Batik Fish and the Laundry Basket Mystery Quilt
  • Work on a UFO - that is also my Half Square Triangle Baby Quilt - It will really be good to put this one to bed.
  • Hand stitching - That little Blue Sampler Stitchery really won’t take much to finish, so that is a goal.  Also, I would like to progress the Natalie Bird Pincushion.  I’d like to restitch the saying and start on the little appliqué. 
  • Complete something - Yep, the Half Square Triangle Baby Quilt and the Blue Sampler Stitchery.
My other goals for the month are rather simple.
  • Write my Isle of Man blog posts - I really want to get this down before I forget the details.
  • Read a book - surely I can manage that this month.
  • Try a new recipe - I’ve been rather slack in this department for quite a few months. I have a plan.
  • Have a fun day out - I have at least one that I know of.

Now for the road blocks…..  

One of the things that sapped my enthusiasm was hitting a couple of road blocks with my projects.  

Firstly, the little crochet rug, that was going along so swimmingly.  When I crocheted the blocks together the joining came out rather tight and the blocks are not sitting flat.  It looks fine in the photo, but believe me, it isn’t.  As it is acrylic, blocking won’t help, so there is nothing for it but to separate all the blocks and rejoin them by stitching rather than crochet.  The worst bit will be undoing where I wove in all the ends.  Once that bit is done, it will be a very simple process to pull the crochet out.  That may be a job for sitting out in the sun on a nice warm day, or alternatively, for sitting in front of the heater.

The second road block is my Blue Quilt.  When I added the checkerboard border it transpired that the border was just a tad too large.  I gently eased it onto the previous round, but it was fluted.  My grand plan was to then gently ease it back onto the next narrow border, but that didn’t work and it is still fluted.  I need to remove the narrow border, then the checkerboard border.  As the blocks are just one inch finished and it is a checkerboard, I can’t simple remove one block.  I think I will have to separate the appliqué sections from the pieced sections and just trim a smidgeon here and there so that they don’t look too wonky.  It will take time and care, but will be worth it in the end.  I just have to be in the right mood for that one.

The third one I have mentioned before.  My Santa cross stitch ended up out of whack and would look silly, so I have abandoned it.  I may restart him, as he is rather cute.

I don’t want any of these road blocks to prevent them from being completed.  I feel they are a monkey on my back at the moment.  They won’t beat me, especially as they are mostly nearing the finish line.

By the way, I don’t expect these to be resolved in August.

I know my goals for this month are rather ambitious.  I’m looking forward to trying to achieve them all.


  1. Love those two is very frustrating when 'something' doesn't go quite right, isn't it!

  2. Boy, like Lou you have a huge list to work on for this month. Good luck.
    Oh those road blocks are so annoying but I’m sure you will fix them in time.

  3. Good luck with your goals and also your longer-term project remediations. Those are very relatable; I'm sure most of us have some projects like that.

  4. Well go you! I have to dig out and dust off my frame this month too. I'm hoping to make a start this weekend.
    It would be lovely to see your Hope quilt completed. Good luck with the alterations.
    I'm sure you will have a great month.

  5. Ambitious goals for this month & I know you'll achieve a lot. I "hope" you can get the blue Hope quilt sorted & maybe a blue unpicker will help. Give me a push to have some real goals too & maybe I'll get cracking on things too. Look forward to more of your UK adventure & seeing how you fare with everything else. Take care & hugs from a frosty Gippsland.

  6. Wow and good luck!
    Your Laundry Basket Quilt is gorgeous x

  7. Sorry to read about your road blocks with the crochet and "Blue". I was thinking maybe you could just widen the small, dark blue border a bit to fit the checkerboard border. Maybe measure the quilt through the center after removing the dark blue think border. Next, measure the length of the checkerboard border. Subtract them and calculate seam allowance to determine the right width of the thin, blue border. I have fixed bordre issues that way before.

  8. All beautiful projects! I love your cheerful crochet and that Laundry Basket Quilts mystery is just gorgeous!

  9. So sad for your road blocks J. The blue quilt is lovely though. The laundry basket quilt will look amazing when finished.

  10. Grand plans Janice - good luck - but those roadblocks can be daunting...a lot of time to be reverse sewing/crocheting/stitching...esp the Blue Quilt...grrr

  11. My Laundry Basket Quilt mystery Pennsylvania quilt is waiting for completion also. Like yours, mine is waiting for a border to make it larger. I was hoping to focus on it next month. Looking forward to see what you do with yours.
