Sunday 19 November 2023

One Monthly Goal Completed

At the start of the month I made it my One Monthly Goal to complete the Sashiko holly table runner.
This is where I started at.
The more I thought about it, the less I liked the idea of the grey border/s.  I ended up deciding on a narrow border of cream with red spots and a second border of a red print.  This would not detract from the stitching.
I finally started work on it today and cut out and added the first border……..and then decided that I wouldn’t even add the second one.  The good old KISS principle.  I just added the backing and wadding and bagged it out to keep it relatively flat on the edges.  It isn’t very large, but will work on either the dining table or the coffee table.  I think it turned out rather well.

I’ll be linking up with Stories From the Sewing Room at the end of the month.


  1. Beautiful Sashiko Christmas table runner.

  2. Love that, so simple yet so Christmassy. What is your weather doing for the week ahead? Take care & hugs.

  3. That's very pretty. I've done one sashiko project in my life, a set of placemats. It's a very effective stitching technique, nice and simple too.

  4. I agree it looks great like that... lovely finish...

  5. Simple is the way to go, let the stitches shine.

  6. Love your runner - it's a great design - I agree - one border was plenty!

  7. That turned out beautifully. I agree.....KISS is often the better way to go.
