Wednesday 15 November 2023

Something From Nothing

Isn’t it cute.
It all started with this little frame.  When we were packing up the white elephant stall at the church fete, about three weeks ago, it was there, unsold…..unloved… pieces… the rubbish box, so I brought it home.  It even looks like it has a little face.  The opening is two and a half inches square.  I thought it would be cute with a teensy weensy patchwork block or cross stitch…..and put it aside.
Fast forward to yesterday, when I found this freebie pattern.  I had a quick count of the stitches and if I used 18 count Aida it would fit in the frame.

I thought it would be the perfect project to take to my patchwork group this morning, so I went into my stash of Aida and linen and found the perfect sized scrap of Aida.  OK, I would have bought it…..about 30 years ago, so not technically free, but near enough.  Then to get some threads.  I didn’t want to go down the orange and black Halloween colours. 
Now to backtrack.  Early last year a friend gifted me a nearly completed cross stitch bookmark kit that had been gifted to her in a destash.  I finished the bookmark and there were loads of threads left over.  So many threads for a small bookmark.  Let’s use some of them.
All set to go.
I made a good start this morning and then this afternoon I sat on the back verandah and finished off the stitching.  It looked rather too green until I added the little checkerboard border.
Ta da!  Isn’t it cute.  I’m really happy with how it turned out.  And all from little bits and pieces of nothing much. The little frame hasn’t languished in a cupboard and some other scraps were used.   Now to find somewhere to display it.


  1. It is so cute Janice. Well done

  2. The little frame was a great save and your block cross stitch looks lovely in there.

  3. Well done on rescuing the little frame and giving it a new lease on life with that pretty cross stitch.

  4. Oh so cute. That count size of the Aida, I could probably still see, anything too tiny I can't these days. The frame certainly does it justice too. Well done. Take care & hugs.

  5. Such a pretty little piece. I presume hubby put the frame back together and gave it a nice polish?

  6. little bits that became something adorable by someone who had the creative knack...not everyone does but you do my friend!

  7. I love projects like that, all made up from bits and pieces with a very pretty end result.

  8. Only a small project, but very effective Janice.
