Monday 20 December 2021

My Big Finish for December

Here it is, well into December, and I have finally finished off the little donation quilt that I started in October. It was my one stitching goal for December.  I just had to trim back the batting and backing after doing the quilting and add the  binding. You can read about it herehere and  here.

I'm not happy with the finish I am achieving with a binding added by machine, but it will be more durable for a quilt that could be washed frequently.  I will donate it to Ronald McDonald House in Orange, when I get up there at some stage.

Despite not being a big task, this ticks the box as my One Monthly Goal for December, a WOOFA Challenge project, One Project a Month and working on a donation project. 

I managed to meet my One Monthly Goal for every month, other than March this year, which I'm pretty pleased about.

In the background, I wanted to get my Swoon Quilt cut out ready to work on next year.  As I previously said, what was holding me back was deciding on a background fabric.  
I ended up going with the fabric I had put aside with the Bonnie and Camille fat quarters.  There won't be a lot of contrast with some of the fabrics, but it will be a nice, light, fresh quilt.

My next issue was that there are quite a few directional fabrics in my little collection.  If I cut out the blocks using the directions on the pattern there would be quite a few funny looking sections.  Therefore, I decided that I would cut the larger points of the star as one piece, rather than several half square triangles.
After a bit of mucking around, reworking my cutting list and making sure everything was facing the right way, I started to make one block to test my notes.  Fortunately, they worked.  I still have to trim down the flying geese and half square triangles, before completing the piecing.  That will be a job for next year.  I will then go ahead and cut out all the blocks, using my modified cutting list.  

I think Joey approves.  He certainly had a good check over it.

I haven't made a start on cutting my Rainbow Scrap Challenge fabrics, but they will still be there for next year.  One project I wish to work on features fusible applique.  I do, at least, have the design traced onto the fusible web, ready to go.

I don't expect to get any more stitching completed this year, but am fairly pleased with my output for 2021.  
Finally, I received a cute Christmas card with a little bookmark from Maria.  I know it will get lots of use in this house. Thanks  Maria.

I will link up with Elm Street Quilts in the next few days.


  1. Love the quilt - it will do very well for someone.... and I do like your plans for your swoon quilt.... it will come up so lovely.


  2. Pretty colours for your Swoon quilt. I believe the blocks are quilte large? But there are still plenty of pieces in each one, to keep you busy. Is this one for you to keep? I like the idea of your donation quilt, I've got many small pieces gifted to me from my neighbour, so well might share in your idea.

  3. The quilt looks very lovely. Love the plan you came up with for you swoon blocks. Look forward to seeing it next year. Hugs, xx

  4. Hi Janice just popping in to wish you and Mick a Merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year,take care xx

  5. Great work and planning for next year. Merry Xmas to you and hope you have a safe festive season.

  6. good that you could re design your cutting to make better use of the fabrics and less sewing too.

    You did very well with all your goals - very organised!!

    I understand about the machine binding - I think again - its a "practice thing...Have you tried a thing called Susies magic Binding??
    it is two piece binding and you sew it in the seam between the two strips.
    Have a look here -

    Merry Christmas to you & Mick
    Unlike you - I am planning lot ofsewing & organising!

  7. It's a great wee quilt. Learning a new technique can sometimes take a while. I had a go at closing some binding on my machine the other day, I wasn't impressed with my efforts either. We'll just have to practice.

  8. Well done for setting goals and achieving them, love your donation quilt

  9. Great donation quilt and well done on the finish. Machining the binding takes a bit to get used to, once you have done a few you will sail through them. Your Swoon block is beautiful, very happy Joey approves!

  10. Your fabric choices are so yummy! I have some of them in my stash as well.

  11. thats a lovely quilt and looking forward to seeing swoon come to life.........its on my one day list......

  12. Fun quilt top! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and Happy New Year!

  13. Love the donation quilt...I'm a total failure at sewing down binding by machine, it's just not for me, so yours looks pretty darn good to me...
