Tuesday 31 March 2020

March Stitching Goals Results

Well, here we are at the end of March and what a different world it is to the one we were living in at the start of the month.

In amongst all the craziness associated with COVID-19 I did get some stitching done. How did I go with all my goals?  Not too bad, but no gold star this month.

I did meet my One Monthly Goal.  That is always my main priority.

I finally finished my Spring Rabbit Table Topper after 5 years.

I'm linking up over at Elm Street Quilts.  Pop over and see what others have achieved. Thanks, as always, for the inspiration to make progress on something each month.

This was also my UFO to work on, so met the WOOFA challenge for the month too.  Thanks Cheryll for the encouragement.

I joined in with Friday Night With Friends once again.  Something I'm rather enjoying.  Thanks once again Cheryll for organising us all.

My RSC blocks were completed in teal and aqua.

I was able to keep up to date with the Block Heads 3 blocks as they were released each week.

Here are all the blocks except the last one.  It is starting to take shape.  Only three more blocks and I will be able to arrange the first quarter of the quilt.

I always like to have a finish to add to Kris' tally each month. There are four finishes this month.  That is unheard of as a rule.

In addition to table topper, I completed a Christmas table runner.  This was for the little challenge that Lou and I have going to make a Christmas item each month.  Lou is making secret ornaments, I'm doing whatever takes my fancy.

Some spontaneous stitching took place when I needed to make a replacement heat wheat pillow.

Also, Mick needed a bowl cosy, now that he is eating porridge for some of his breakfasts.

The one goal that didn't quite get met was the Splendid Sampler.  I had aimed to make two more blocks and put borders around 20 blocks.

I made no blocks!  They are all fiddly and I just didn't feel in the mood to make them.  I have one half done, ready for some handstitching - my downfall as always. One has everything prepped to just cut and sew, but it is a fiddly FPP block and I need to concentrate.  Others are ready to start too.  I will get in the mood and I'll be ready to go.  Maybe at Easter?

I did, however, get borders on 34 blocks.  I love seeing how this is all coming together.  My plan was to use these as leaders and enders, but that didn't work so well, as I was chopping and changing threads and doing FPP, but I'm not too worried.

Also, foundation papers were removed from twelve blocks, so I did make some progress.  My goal wasn't met, but it wasn't a complete failure either, so I'm still comfortable with what I achieved.

Looking at all of this, I'm rather surprised at what I have sewn this month.  Usually, there is just a couple of things, if that, so I'm very pleased.


  1. I think you do deserve a Gold Star as you have done sew much this month... I do really like the Spring Bunny Table Topper and the SS blocks are looking great with borders...

  2. Wow! What a great month you had! All lovely work, as usual. Love the Christmas Table runner!

  3. Well done Janice - that looks like a very productive month to me, even if you didn't 100% meet your goals. I do love your Blockheads blocks. actually I like them all - well done!

  4. Most impressive tally for the month of course you deserve a gold star! Or maybe an Easter Egg.

  5. Your finishes this month as wonderful...congrats...
    I especially love the tiny mouse & bird hidden in the center of the blocks...
    The ongoing quilts will be gorgeous once done.
    Stay away & stay safe...xox

  6. you did well, lots of lovely blocks there and some great finishes. I am especially enjoying how your Blockheads is looking....
    Very tough times isn't it, hard to keep focussed or want to do anything too challenging.... take care


  7. Very pretty! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and congrats on your finish.
