Sunday 6 April 2014

Another Weekend

You will probably think I am obsessed with mushrooms.  I’m not, but due to this unseasonably warm, wet weather, I keep seeing interesting ones.  These were beside the driveway.  Much bigger than the previous ones, being about the size of a small saucer in diameter.  No, we won’t be eating these.  I loved the way they went to a peak in the centre.  Very cute.

April 2014 030

Yesterday morning, it was not raining, but everything was very damp and there wasn’t a  breath of wind.  Perfect conditions for burning the pile of rubbish that has been accumulating down the paddock.  We had planned to have a bonfire at some stage, but it just hasn’t happened, so it was being burnt anyway.

April 2014 034

Mick wasn’t sure if it would light, but once he got it going it burnt beautifully and left very little ash.  I love the way the heat shimmer showed up in this photo.

April 2014 038

We had to go into town today and were greeted by this glorious rainbow as we drove home.

April 2014 067

The kangaroos were all sitting around down the driveway.  We don’t normally see this many in a mob.  They were quite happy to sit and have their photo taken.

April 2014 070

Off they go.

April 2014 073

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janice we have a lot of strange mushrooms around at the moment too,lovely pics .xx
