Wednesday 2 April 2014

What a Surprise

Remember a couple of weeks ago I went along to the Farmers Markets.

Well, the Council had a competition going in conjunction with the Sustainability Expo that they held…….and…….I was one of the lucky winners.

I didn’t win the pretty pink push bike (probably just as well too) but I did win four gift vouchers to the local Whole Food Co-Op for a weekly family sized fruit and vege box.  How good is that!

Today I picked up my first, rather large, white box. 

April 2014 017

It was quite exciting to open it and see what was inside.

April 2014 021

Here are all the goodies.  They are all so lovely and fresh. 

April 2014 025

Basil, grapes, lettuce, two types of beans, onions, potatoes, apples, spinach, spring onions, carrots, egg plants, beetroot, tomatoes, broccoli and bananas.  What a bounty!

I was going to make spinach crepes yesterday, but ended up not picking any spinach in case some came in the box.  We will have spinach crepes tomorrow.  Tonight we will have a stir fry with lots of veges.

I already have some nice cabbage and cauli in the fridge and we are finally picking some beans in our garden.  Our egg plants are also ready to pick, so we will be having loads of vege meals for a while.  It will be so good.

It is the perfect time of the year to receive this prize.  I’ll probably try to arrange for my next box in a fortnight’s time.  We should be through all this lot by then.

PS. I don’t know why the photos in my last post displayed blurry, as the originals are nice and clear.  I hope these display better.


  1. Well Done what a Great Prize...

  2. We'll be very healthy for a while. It all is so fresh.

  3. what a lovely prize...

  4. what an awesome prize Janice and they look so good and sounds like your garden is doing well also,enjoy.xx

  5. Great prize Janice. You might find some new and interesting vegies....or new recipes.

  6. Lucky you Janice......gotta love the vegetables/fruit and all fresh...
