Wednesday 9 April 2014

In Our Own Back Yard – The Begonia House

A few days ago there was a small article in the local paper telling that the Begonia House was open.  A similar article appears each year, and each year I tell myself “I must go and have a look”, and each year that is as far as it gets.

Not this time!  Yesterday in my lunch break I finally went.  Please join me.

Here is the reason for my visit.  I can’t remember when I last visited, I’m guessing it is probably about twenty years ago.

April 2014 014

The Begonia House, situated in Machattie Park, right in the middle of Bathurst, was opened in 1936.  The collection came from England and the house is only open during the flowering season for March and April, so I think I am seeing them at their best.

April 2014 018

Let’s go inside.  There was no one else there, so I could take my time to soak it all in.

April 2014 019

The colours are so vibrant, however there is no scent.

April 2014 022

Here are just  small few.

PicMonkey Collage

PicMonkey Collage 1

Notice the buds on the next two.  See how they open like a clam shell.  I almost expected to find a pearl in the one on the right.

PicMonkey Collage Buds

There were also a few other varieties of begonias where the flowers weren’t so flashy, but the plants were lovely just the same.

PicMonkey Collage variations

When you see the flowers at their peak, you start to realise why this collection is so famous.  It really is a credit to the council staff who maintain them in such wonderful condition.

April 2014 037

I’ll have to make a return visit a bit sooner than 20 years into the future.

I’ll be back tomorrow with some more of our lovely park.


  1. I think you just solved an age old question I have. I'm now on the wrong side of 45 but as a kid I remember going to visit relatives in Orange. I distintently remember going to a Begonia House. A few years ago when we were passing through Orange I my husband and I searched for it but never found it. As a youngster I lived on the Central Coast so maybe it was at Bathurst not Orange. They are such beautiful photo thanks for showing them and maybe solving my nostalgic memories.

  2. I haven't been to the Begonia House for years either, will try to go next time I'm there if they're still in bloom. The Fernery was always my favourite.

  3. Beautiful photos. Begonias like that are not something I am good at growing. They only seem to last one season for me.
    I love the pale ones with tipped edges.
