Sunday 31 December 2023

Looking Back at 2023

Here we are at the end of another year and time to look back over the last twelve months, which has been our first complete calendar year of not working.

It has been interesting to read over my post at the start of the year with my wishes for the twelve months ahead.  Let's see how I went with my goals from back then.
A big feature on how I achieve things is to set some goals each month and join in a couple of challenges.
I participated in One Monthly Goal again and was delighted to reach my goal every month.  Some were very simple, but the idea is to make it achievable.
I enjoyed the Rainbow Scrap Challenge again and made two different blocks each month.
I completed the black and white quilt using half square triangles.
The split nine patch blocks will be ongoing in 2024.
I also completed the 1930s butterfly quilt from 2022 RSC, which I was very happy about.
2023 saw me join in the 15 Minutes a Day challenge for the first time.  This worked so well for me.  It gave the push to do at least a little something each day, even when I didn't really feel enthused.  Here are my final stats:
15 minutes a day/2023 = 341/365
Success Rate = 93.42%

I'm really pleased with that.  The success rate is so much better than I anticipated.  It just goes to show that accountability works for me.
It is nice for stitching to be social.  The girls I have met online through my blog, via Zoom and in person are a truly wonderful group.
Scrub Stitchin' was super special this year, as we were joined by seven ladies, and in some cases their husbands, from all over the world.  To actually meet them in person was so nice. We also had some ladies attend from further afield in Australia and met them for the first time, which was equally special.
Our Chookshed Stitchers Zoom days are always a wonderful time.  We chat, laugh, solve the problems of the world and even get some stitching done on occasions.

This year I also wanted to join a local stitching group, now that I had the time.  I signed up for the U3A "Stitch and Chat" group at the start of the year and then very shortly after, a new group "Bathurst/Orange Patchwork and Bag Making" was formed, so I joined that as well.  Now, I head off to my stitching mornings on Wednesdays and Fridays.  They are both lovely groups to be a part of.  One advantage of these groups is that I am doing much more hand stitching, as it is too difficult to lug a sewing machine along.
This year I completed 48 projects.  I can't quite believe that.  Many are small, but it just goes to show what you can do when you have the time.
I had said at the start of the year that I would like to finish my Make it Blue Quilt.  That didn't happen, but I did make good progress.  Just two more borders to add.  My initial aim was for it to be a two year project.  I started it in June 2022, so I still have six months to go.

I finally started to use Monique, my Grace Q'nique 14+ quilting machine.  I have mainly quilted small donation quilts, but have done a couple of larger ones.  They have all been edge to edge pantographs, but I am gradually gaining confidence.

I mentioned at the start of the year that I needed to finish off some UFOs, as they were starting to build up again.  That is still the case.  I didn't get many finished. Quite a few of those just require quilting, which I am still trying to get to.  There is still a definite lack of confidence.  I will get there.
Talking of donation quilts, I took six quilts, a crochet rug and few other things I had made to Ronald McDonald House during the year and am working on another pile to donate fairly soon.

I specifically mentioned that I wanted to complete my kitten cross stitch.  I did make a start early in the year, but that petered out. The last time I did anything was in January.  It is really hard on the eyes, with the pale colours and really slubby, difficult fabric.  It requires too much concentration to take to stitching mornings and also requires good light.  It has waited this long to be finished, so a little longer won’t matter.  I won’t beat myself up about it.

I also mentioned a new leader and ender project.  I did start, but it also petered out.  Oh well, you can't win them all.
Knitting and crochet were on my wish list and I did work on some projects.  They are great to take to stitching mornings. I have rediscovered the joy of knitting.
Kits also were mentioned.  I did complete two bookmark kits.  Better than nothing, I suppose.
I started the Laundry Basket Spring Mystery Quilt and a crochet rug, which are still ongoing, but didn't create too many additional UFOs or WIPs, which is a positive.
So, what else did we get up to during the year?

We didn't travel as much as we expected.  Our trip to New Zealand in February was cancelled at the last minute, but we aren't too devastated about it.  
We took a quick trip to visit friends in Queensland in March.
April saw us have Lou and Tony visit and us all travel to Scrub Stitchin' at Baradine.  Sadly, the dreaded COVID attended as well.  
May took us to Nyngan and then down to Lake Cargelligo for a few days.
In June, we went to Nelson Bay to see the whales.
August saw us head off on our main trip, travelling to the Mundi Mundi Bash at Silverton.
We then kept on our way to South Australia to the Flinders Ranges.
And then to the Eyre Peninsula.  It was a wonderful trip, as we weren't rushed and had a good look around the places we visited.
We also took the van over to Gulgong for their swap meet, when the ute came home on the tilt tray.

Actually, now that I look back, we went away more than I realised.
We had plenty of fun days out, attending both Quilt Shows in Sydney.
There were loads of open gardens in the spring, as well as plenty of events attended in our more local area.
We continued to experiment with more new recipes and I read quite a few books, but not as many as I wished.
Sadly, my intention to be more active and get some organising happening at home seemed to fall by the wayside.
Motorcycling has not featured at all, with us only getting on a bike twice in the year.  As this is not nearly as big a part of our lives these days, Mick has sold "Snubby" the silver sidecar and her camper trailer.  They have both gone to separate homes in Victoria.  We are getting updates on Snubby, which is really nice.
Mick has a new toy and project, being "Rosie" the 1990 Suzuki Sierra.  He has been having a great time sprucing her up and kitting her out in preparation for a planned trip to Cape York in 2024.

We both started to learn to play lawn bowls at the start of the year.  I decided after a while that it wasn't for me, but Mick has really taken to it.  

So, that pretty much wraps up the year of 2023.  It has been a good year for us, as we settle into our "new normal".  It’s been fun looking back over the last twelve months.  Now it will be time to look forward to 2024.


  1. You have certainly accomplished so much this year and traveled quite a bit. I still cannot believe that we met in person! It is like a wonderful dream.

    Monique is helping you to get more done as well. You are doing great on that machine!
    Forty-eight projects - holy cow!

    The 15 minutes challenge is so helpful with that. Make it Blue is GORGEOUS, and I love your Rainbow Scrap quilts especially the first one!

    I hope you are as excited about 2024 as I am!

  2. A wonderful year Janice with lots finished and moved along, wonderful trips around Aus, confidence with your quilting will come, just keep at it!!

  3. When you put it like that, it was a very busy year.

  4. Wow, putting it in to one post seems like you did achieve so much. It sounds like you had a wonderful year. Hope 2024 is just as much fun too. Happy New Year

  5. You've had a great year, stitching, knitting, tripping around, and 48 finishes is amazing!

  6. Wow, looking back over your year has been lovely & you certainly packed plenty in, both travelling & craftwise. Best bit for me was actually meeting you & Mick, so thanks so much for being a friend too. Happy New Year, take care & hugs.

  7. A great wrap up Janice.
    Maybe with the crossstitch putting something black on your lap - or desk -so that it is "behind" the linen will help.

    The reverse helps - ie a white background when stitching on black. Cross stitch and socialising do not mix well. LOL

  8. Wow, I enjoyed reading your wrap of 2023. You managed to achieve quite a lot ... cheers for 2024

  9. What a great post of your 2023 achievments. I've not attempted to do a post like this for 2023 as I would normally do. Don't seem to be home long enough. Trying to spend today just catching up with blog reading, I am so far behind.

  10. You had a fabulous year .

  11. You did really well with the stitching time. Amazingly as you did so many other things too! Wishing you an equally fun and productive 2024!

  12. Congratulations on all the stitching time, you nailed your metrics this year. Lots of funs things made and even cooler places visited. Wishing you and equally fun and productive 2024!

  13. Sounds like a pretty good year.......
